
  • 网络excess sludge;Surplus sludge;excess activated sludge;excess biomass;Surplus Activated Sludge
  1. 剩余污泥的处理及综合利用

    The Treatment and Comprehensive Utilization of Surplus Sludge

  2. 采用剩余污泥为燃料,通过MFC技术实现在污泥厌氧消化处理的同时实现电能回收,将成为一种新颖的剩余污泥处理技术。

    MFC using surplus sludge , which achieves the sludge disposal of anaerobic digestion and the recycling of electrical power , would become a new technique of sludge disposal .

  3. 研究了污水厂剩余污泥在不同pH、SS时对染料吸附的影响。

    The dye absorption characteristics of sludge particulates were studied .

  4. 添加PAM对剩余污泥共厌氧消化的影响

    Effect of Additive Polyacrylamide on Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge

  5. 臭氧应用于SBR剩余污泥减量的研究

    Modification of SBR excessive sludge with ozonation

  6. Fenton氧化破解剩余污泥中的胞外聚合物

    Extracellular Polymeric Substances Disintegration by Fenton Oxidation of Excess Sludge

  7. 在有剩余污泥回流的系统中,系统各段出水的SS浓度均比无回流系统大。

    The SS in every segment with sludge recycling was higher than that without sludge recycling .

  8. Fenton氧化处理剩余污泥的作用机制

    Mechanism of Municipal Sludge Disposal by Fenton Oxidation

  9. 应用TCP作为代谢解偶联剂投加到活性污泥工艺中可减少剩余污泥的产量。

    It is proved that the addition of TCP as a metabolic uncoupler into activated sludge can reduce the yield of excess sludge .

  10. 剩余污泥回流到A1段,增加了A1段中污泥的有机负荷,却提高了系统对COD的去除率。

    The COD removal rate in A_1 segment could be improved by residual sludge recycling to A_1 segment .

  11. 建立了剩余污泥水解酸化减量的模型和TA生物降解动力学模型。

    The modeling of excess sludge reducing by hydrolysis and the modeling of TA biodegraded kinetic were set up ;

  12. 化学解偶联剂和OSA联合工艺对剩余污泥的减量化作用

    Reduction of Excess Sludge Production by Uncoupling Metabolism of TCS and OSA Process

  13. 动态试验表明:通过污泥回流,把剩余污泥回流到A1段的工艺,可有效地实现对剩余污泥化。

    Dynamic test shows that recycle of sludge to A1 part can efficiently realize the reducing of the sludge .

  14. 经剩余污泥预处理的水质有利于COD的去除,去除率提高2.2%左右,同时增加产气量。

    It also found that the pretreatment water were helpful to the sludge removal , COD removal rate increased about 2.2 % , increasing gas production .

  15. 剩余污泥对废水的pH值有较好的调节能力,并降低了废水对生物的毒性抑制作用,为后续生物处理提供了良好的基质准备。

    Excess sludge has good capability in conditioning pH of wastewater , and contributes to reducing the toxic inhibition of wastewater to biological treatment , which offers good substrates for subsequent biological treatment .

  16. 剩余污泥泵内置的温度及渗漏保护讯号将接至PLC,如水泵发生超温及渗水,水泵自动停止。

    Signals from pumps ' built in thermal contacts and moisture sensors are also connected to the PLC . If problem of overheating or leakage is found , the pump will be stopped automatically .

  17. CaO水解剩余污泥的效果较好,所制备蛋白质混合液的发泡倍数较高(7.6倍),但所需时间较长,且蛋白质含量不高、CaO用量较大;

    CaO can hydrolyze excess sludge and the foaming multiple of protein intermixture is higher , but the time of hydrolysis takes longer with low protein content .

  18. 本研究的结果表明,臭氧可以用于减少序批式生物反应器(SBR)系统产生的剩余污泥量。

    The results of this study showed that ozonation could be used to reduce the excessive sludge yielded in a Sequence Batch Reactor ( SBR ) system .

  19. 结果显示,新鲜剩余污泥会在堆放的前40日内周期性产生H2S气体。

    The results indicated that the emission of H2S from dewatered waste activated sludge ( WAS ) fluctuated periodically within about 40 days .

  20. 活性污泥法处理时BPA的去除主要是生物降解起作用,吸附作用很小,BPA不会在剩余污泥中积累。

    Biological degradation is the major removal pathway at activated sludge treatment of BPA . Where BPA is not accumulated in excess sludge .

  21. 回流剩余污泥使A1段出水pH略低于无污泥回流的情况,但对A2段和O段pH值影响不大。

    The pH in A_1 segment with sludge recycling was a little lower than that without sludge recycling , but the performance of A_2 and O segments was affected less severely by sludge recycling .

  22. 同样,TP和PO43&P的去除效率受污泥消化上清液和剩余污泥回流的影响也较大。

    The removing efficiencies of TP and PO ~ 3 - _4-P are influenced by the recycling of biological rich-phosphorus excess sludge and supernatants of sludge anaerobic digestion and dewatering too .

  23. 而HCl可水解剩余污泥,且pH值为1.0时的水解效果最好,蛋白质含量高(59.2%),但所制备的蛋白质混合液的发泡倍数相对较小(7.0倍);

    HCl can hydrolyze excess sludge and its hydrolysis is the most effective at pH of 1.0 with protein content of ( 59.2 ) % , but its foaming multiple is smaller at the same time .

  24. 以上结果表明,可以应用TCS来降低活性污泥工艺中的剩余污泥产量,但对污泥的种群结构有一定的影响。

    These results suggested that it might be possible to apply TCS in activated sludge systems to reduce the excess sludge production but it might influence the population in sludge .

  25. 在能量密度为0.05W·mL-1和pH范围3.0~12.0条件下,研究了超声波辐射以及热作用对污泥溶胞效果的影响,考察剩余污泥的溶胞效果与溶胞条件的关系。

    The effect of ultrasonic irradiation with energy density of 0.05 W · mL-1 and thermal action on activated sludge cell lysis under pH ranging from 3.0 to 12.0 has been studied experimentally in detail .

  26. 针对AB法A段剩余污泥量大的问题,采用臭氧和超声波对A段污泥减量效能进行了对比试验研究。

    This paper aimed at the problem of a great amount of residual sludge in A-step of AB process , we used ozone and ultrasonic technique to compare their efficiency to reduce the sludge in A-step .

  27. 为了探讨剩余污泥减量问题,采用臭氧氧化法处理曝气池回流污泥,考察臭氧氧化污泥减量技术对出水COD、NH3-N和TP的影响。

    To discuss the problem of excess sludge reduction , ozonation was used to treat sludge from aerotank , and influences to COD 、 NH_3-N and TP by excess sludge reduction were studied .

  28. A/B/C活性污泥法在活性污泥法的基础上进行了很大的工艺改进和突破,其COD(cr)处理效率高,剩余污泥少。

    A / B / C Process is based on the activated sludgy process and has many improvements and creature than that process . It has many advantages , such as high COD_ ( Cr ) removal efficiency , little sludgy .

  29. 采用厌氧消化后的剩余污泥和活性污泥启动UASB反应器的时间比采用絮状厌氧污泥更短。

    It took less time to start-up a UASB reactor by only using the remainder sludge of anaerobic digestion and activated sludge as seed than by using flocculent sludge of UASB reactor .

  30. 反硝化除磷比以氧为电子受体的生物除磷可减少耗氧55.5%,剩余污泥的产生量可减少53%,温室气体CO2的产生量可减少体积分数21.4%。

    In the system used nitrate as electron acceptor , the oxygen consumption was 55.5 % less than the system that oxygen was used as electron acceptor . The sludge and CO2 production was 53 % and 21.4 % less , respectively .