
  • 网络Shawan
  1. 广州市番禺区沙湾镇课题组。

    The Research Team of Shawan , Panyu District , Guangzhou .

  2. 第四部分是详细介绍沙湾镇在推进社会主义新农村建设的经验,并探讨、归纳了所遇到的困难及其表现。

    This part mainly introduces the experience of Shawan town in Building Socialist New Rural Areas . At the same time , we discuss and summarize the difficulties and representation in this period . Part ⅴ, explore the difficulty in reality in Building Socialist New Rural Areas .

  3. 底片平面无倾斜纠正仪沙湾镇涌口水闸纠偏加固工程的设计与施工

    Nontilting-negative-plane rectifier Design and Construction of Rectification and Consolidation of Water Gate

  4. 网络上称,被打的女子是广州市番禺沙湾镇某高中学生,打人者则来自番禺市桥镇一所中学。

    It is said that , the black-and-blue woman is the student of some senior high school in Guangzhou City and hit persons then come from moreover a high school .

  5. 在此基础上,本文对沙湾镇村庄规划的内容体系、指标体系、村庄改造、村庄经营、村庄产业发展以及村庄三旧改造等内容进行研究。

    On this basis , this paper take a detailed study about the content system , target system , transform model , " three old " transformation and industry model of the village planning .

  6. 广州市番禺区沙湾镇是一个有着800余年历史的文明古镇,文化底蕴深厚,被誉为中国历史文化名镇、中国民间艺术之乡、广东省民间艺术之乡,非物质文化遗产十分丰富。

    Shawan Town Panyu District is a town with more than 800 years ' history in Guangzhou . She has a wealthy cultural , as Chinese history and culture of the town , Chinese folk art village , Guangdong folk art village . She is rich in intangible cultural heritage .

  7. 沙湾古镇·风韵传承&广州市番禺区沙湾镇村庄规划层面的古镇保护探析沙湾镇涌口水闸纠偏加固工程的设计与施工

    Exploration of Protection of Sha Wan Town of Panyu Design and Construction of Rectification and Consolidation of Water Gate

  8. 程控隔膜压滤机在沙湾洗煤厂的应用沙湾古镇·风韵传承&广州市番禺区沙湾镇村庄规划层面的古镇保护探析

    The application of program controlled diaphragm filter press in Shawan Coal Preparation Plant Exploration of Protection of Sha Wan Town of Panyu