
  • 网络Desert Operations;sand storm
  1. 美军开始沙漠盾牌行动时使用的当地地图很差。

    The U.S.Military started Desert Shield with very poor maps of the region .

  2. 防治沙漠化行动计划的资金筹集

    Financing the Plan of Action to Combat Desertification

  3. 科迪在沙漠风暴行动中不幸阵亡。

    Cody was K.I.A.In desert storm .

  4. 沙漠风暴行动的一部分就是派遣42万5千名士兵,其目的是攻击伊拉克军队。

    He sent 425000 American troops as part of Operation Desert Storm to defeat Iraq 's million-man army .

  5. 关于牧场保护和恢复的费用,我们可以参看联合国抗沙漠化行动计划。

    For cost data on rangeland protection and restoration , we turn to the United Nations plan of action to combat desertification .

  6. 从也已经在沙漠盾牌行动的一部分分散在基本单位,并部署了恢复希望行动索马里。

    Units from the sprawling base also have taken part in Operation Desert Shield , and deployed to Somalia for Operation Restore Hope .

  7. 1991年1月16日,白宫宣布开始沙漠风暴行动将伊拉克军队赶出科威特。

    On Jan. 16 , 1991 , the White House announced the start of Operation Desert Storm to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait .

  8. 参加过“沙漠风暴”行动,获得一枚青铜星章。

    Served in Desert Storm where he earned a bronze star .

  9. 施瓦茨科普夫将军非常成功地指挥了“沙漠风暴”行动。

    General Norman Schwarzkaf conducted the desert operation very successfully .

  10. 从我女儿参军“沙漠风暴”行动开始。

    I started when my daughter was in desert storm .

  11. 坦克,沙漠之鼠行动,阿拉莫。

    Tanks . The Desert Rats . El Alamo .

  12. 美国沉浸于“沙漠风暴”行动中

    America was immersed in Desert Storm .

  13. 共有1000多名记者赶赴阿塔卡马沙漠对救援行动进行报道。

    More than one thousand journalists traveled to the mine in the Atacama Desert to report on the rescue .

  14. (东京综合电)日、澳、纽、韩等国对沙漠之狐行动表示支持,它们说,美国没有别的选择。

    ( Summary report from Tokyo ) Japan , Australia , New Zealand and South Korea have expressed their support for the Desert Fox military action , saying the United States has no other choice .

  15. 通过“沙漠盾牌”,“沙漠风暴”和“沙漠军刀”行动的实施。

    It was through the operations of " Desert Shield ", " Desert Storm " and " Desert Saber " .