
  • 网络Absence of Malice;mean no harm;mean;No harm;No malice
  1. 对不起,老兄,我并没有恶意。

    Im sorry , sir . I didn mean it .

  2. 他没有恶意,仅想帮忙。

    He meant no harm ; he only meant to help .

  3. 她对他没有恶意。

    She bore him no ill will .

  4. 她完全没有恶意。

    She is entirely without malice .

  5. 那是个完全没有恶意的问题。

    It was a perfectly innocent question .

  6. 她没有恶意。如果人们不喜欢她,那就太糟糕了。

    She bore no ill will . If people didn 't like her , too bad

  7. 即便完全没有恶意的话都会被歪曲,以达到并非说话人本意的效果。

    Even remarks that were quite innocent could be twisted to produce an unintended effect .

  8. “他是个温和、没有恶意的人,不是吗?”——“啊,你不是开玩笑吧。”

    ' He 's a mild inoffensive man isn 't he ? — Oh you 've gotta be kidding . '

  9. 这是一个没有恶意的玩笑。

    This is an innocent joke .

  10. 人们常认为说流言蜚语的人是没有恶意的,但残酷的谎言会带来痛苦。

    People often think of gossipers as harmless , but cruel lies can cause pain .

  11. 几个月过去了,兔子们发现我没有恶意,就没再逃走。

    As the months went by , the rabbits saw that I was no threat and didn 't escape .

  12. 我对此没有恶意。

    I have no vindictive feelings about it .

  13. 我说你是pushover完全没有恶意噢!Pushover是不是有负面的意思?

    I don 't know if you should call me a pushover for that .

  14. 当然,不要忘记不时地轮询AcceptEx()调用中使用的套接字(使用SOCONNECTTIME选项参数)来确保没有恶意超时的连接。

    Of course , you shouldn 't forget to occasionally poll the client sockets used in the AcceptEx calls , using the SO_CONNECT_TIME option to make sure there are no stale connections .

  15. 对不起,我没有恶意。

    A : Sorry , I didn 't mean anything bad .

  16. 他没有恶意?你疯啦?

    He doesn 't mean any disrespect ? Are you nuts ?

  17. 不要怕,我对你没有恶意。

    Don 't be frightened & I bear you no malice .

  18. 你怎么能确定对方有没有恶意?

    How can you determine that the additional party has malice ?

  19. 不要把他的玩笑放在心上,他没有恶意。

    Ignore his teasing , he means no harm by it .

  20. 是有点,不过他没有恶意。

    A little , but ... he 's basically harmless .

  21. 我向他打听他妻子的情况完全没有恶意。

    I asked him about his wife in all innocence .

  22. 没有恶意,但未免太容易了吧。

    No offense , but it 's a little convenient .

  23. 它知道我是没有恶意的。

    He knew I was there and that I meant no harm .

  24. 我没有恶意,只是打算要帮助你。

    I meant no harm . I only meant to help you .

  25. 他想到什么说什么,但是他没有恶意。

    He says what he thinks , but he means no harm .

  26. 放下你的武器,我们没有恶意。

    Put down your weapon . there 's no threat from us .

  27. 曾起誓我独自前来,而且没有恶意。

    I gave my oath that I came alone and in peace .

  28. 我们对你没有恶意

    We mean you no harm . Oh , great .

  29. 索伦:我们没有恶意。

    Soren : Look , we mean you no harm .

  30. 上帝是微妙的,但他没有恶意的。

    God is subtle but he is not malicious .