
  • 网络fry oil;frying oil;Deep frying oil;Wasted cooking oil
  1. 油炸裹粉在油炸过程中容易脱落,产生大量的沉淀,加速了油炸油的劣变。

    The fried wrap flour could fall off in the frying process , and large amount of sediment were generated and accelerate the invalidating of frying oil .

  2. 真空油炸脱油机设计

    The Design of the Vacuum Frying and Deoiling Machine

  3. 生姜去皮切小片,核桃仁用温水泡透,剥去皮末,用小火炸酥捞起油炸滤油后备用。

    Slice the ginger thinly and soak the walnuts in lukewarm water , remove the fine skin and deep-fry . Drain off the oil .

  4. 果蔬脆片食品在真空低温条件下进行油炸脱油,可以避免在常压高温下油炸对食品营养成份的破坏,最大限度地保持了果蔬食品的原色,原味和营养成分。

    The chips of fruit and vegetable that are fried in vacuum and low temperature conditions can keep the primary tastes and the nutrient compositions to a great extent .

  5. 集油炸、甩油、输送等功能为一体,结构紧凑,功能齐全。

    With functions of frying , de-oiling , and conveying in compact structure .

  6. 如果使用者不小心将油炸锅内的油泼到加热元件上,有引发火灾的危险。

    The product poses a risk of fire if the user accidentally spills oil over the heating elements .

  7. 几种油炸食品残油中芥酸含量的测试分析研究精对苯二甲酸氧化残渣中苯甲酸的分离回收

    Testing and Analyzing of Erucic Acid in Fry Resid Study on recovery of benzoic acid in residue from oxidation unit of purified terephthalic acid

  8. 结果油炸食品及其煎炸油的CGV及AV与油炸时间正相关(P<0.05),POV随油炸时间变化无规律(P>0.1);

    Results CGV and AV of fried food and deep - frying oil were positive correlated with the frying duration ( P < 0.05 ), but POV not ( P > 0.1 ) .

  9. 油炸食品及其煎炸油卫生质量检测与关系探讨

    Analysis of Hygienic Quality of Fried Foods and Deep-frying Oils and Their Correlation

  10. 加入培根,切德干酪,油炸蘑菇和酸奶油。

    Add bacon , cheddar cheese , fried mushrooms and a bit of sour cream .

  11. 马铃薯片油炸过程中棕榈油劣变规律及保护实验研究

    The Rule of Palm Oil Deterioration and Experimental Study on the Protection of Palm Oil in Frying Potato Chips