
quán yǎn
  • the mouth of a spring;spring;hole of spring
泉眼 [quán yǎn]
  • [hole of spring] 泉水涌出的穴孔

泉眼[quán yǎn]
  1. 他知道上面有一个泉眼。

    He knew that there was a spring farther up .

  2. 三是将原有的自然暖泉眼作成主题莲花区,成为观光路线上的必经主题景观。

    Three is make original natural warm spring eye topic lotus area , become making sight-seeing tripping route up of necessarily through topic view .

  3. 泉眼和水井都进行装饰,这个习俗在欧洲一直延续到基督教时代。

    Springs and wells were decorated , a custom which was carried over into Christian times in Europe .

  4. 救命水呀,是从一个魔宫院内的泉眼里冒出来的。

    It springs up from a fountain in the courtyard of a bewitched castle ;

  5. 泉眼,树木和小屋消失了,我不知身在何地。

    Fount , Tree , and Shed are gone , I know not whither .

  6. 从这里看起来象是一片水网,无疑地,这些水都从地下泉眼直通到河里。

    It looked there like a network of liquid threads which doubtless reached the river by some underground drain .

  7. 凡供人饮用的水井、泉眼,一律不许牲畜饮水,也不许任何人在附近洗脸、或洗衣服。

    Where the water for human consumption , spring , are not allowed to water their animals , and no one was allowed to wash face or do the laundry in the vicinity .

  8. 走近了只见从泉眼处涌出高温溪水,从山崖上流出,形成一个一个天然水塘,状似草帽。

    Only approached to see the high temperature mountain stream is gushes out from a spring , left from the cliff upper reaches , forms one by one natural pond , resembled the straw hat .

  9. 日常用水是从泉眼提回来的,少数几栋水泥房是由家里在南方的矿坑或是海湾地区工作的男子们赚了钱回来建的。

    Water was carried from the spring . The few concrete houses had been built by families whose sons or fathers had gone south to work in the mines or to the Gulf , from where they sent money home .

  10. 纵观中外园林造景艺术手法的发展及特色,他们犹如一汪涌流不止的艺术泉眼,为今后的园林事业的发展提供着源源不断的理论依据和创新提纲。

    Throughout the art of landscape gardening and foreign development practices and characteristics of Remarks of flow more than they like a spring of art for the future of the garden to provide a steady stream of business development and innovation outline the theoretical basis .

  11. 埃迪。克兰的姨妈丹带着克兰家的几个孩子,常常还有我,到处玩&有时看电影,有时去雪泉公园游泳,池子里的水来自天然泉眼,冰冷彻骨。

    Edie Crane 's Aunt Dan took the Crane kids , and often me , everywhere & to the movies , to Snow Springs Park to swim in a pool fed by very cold spring-water , and to Whitting to n Park to play miniature golf .

  12. 2000~2001年在吉林省柳河县大泉眼村林蛙增养殖试验示范区,进行了食盐和酸碱度对中国林蛙蝌蚪的影响实验,为蝌蚪病害防治、提高成活率提供科学依据。

    From 2000 to 2001 , the experiments of influence of table salt and acidity and basicity on tadpole ( Rana chensinensis ) were conducted in breeding demonstration plot of Liuhe county , which provides a scientific basis for controlling diseases and raising survival rate of the tadpole .