
  • 网络object of legal relation
  1. 第三部分浅尝辄止的谈了一下法律关系客体的价值。

    The third part discusses the value of the object of legal relation .

  2. 第一部分是法律关系客体理论评述。

    The first part is comment on the theories of " object of legal relation " .

  3. 论法律关系客体及其价值

    On The Object In Legal Relationships And Its Value

  4. 代理关系的建立法律关系客体新论

    THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AGENT RELATIONSHIP Towards the Theory and Practice of Legal Relation Object

  5. 本文认为,法律关系客体应该是法律行为。

    The author considers the objects of environmental legal relationships are environmental legal actions .

  6. 法律关系客体新论

    Comment on the Object of Legal Relationship

  7. 民事法律关系客体不是民事权利客体的简单罗列,可以统一抽象为利益。

    The civil legal relation object is not just simple enumeration of civil right object .

  8. 在对法律关系客体的具体范围的理解上,也存在着不同的看法。

    Also , there exist various opinions about the concept and scope of the legal relation object .

  9. 关于法律关系客体与权利客体问题;

    ( b ) the " object of legal relation " and the " object of right ";

  10. 法律关系客体作为一种理论分析工具,在法学研究上有着重要的意义。

    As one of methodology tool , the object of legal relation has great means in studying jurisprudence .

  11. 从人格利益到人格要素&人格权法律关系客体之界定

    From Personality Interest to the Element of Personality & Definition to the objects of the personality right legal relationship

  12. 第二部分在前人的基础上,重新构建法律关系客体是行为的理论。

    Based on the former theories , the second part reconstructs the " object of legal relation " theory .

  13. 受法理学的影响,环境法学者也往往将环境法律关系客体与环境权客体相等同,并存在一元论和多元论的观点。

    Affected by jurisprudence , some scholars equate the object of environmental legal relationship with the object of environmental rights .

  14. 经济法律关系客体之构成&兼论软资源作为经济法律关系的客体

    On the Object Constitution of the Economic Legal Relations & Also on the Soft Resources as the Object of Economic Legal Relations

  15. 介绍了各种观点之后,指出现有的法律关系客体明显存在的问题。

    Then the author points out that there are many problems in the existing expression of " object of legal relation " .

  16. 虽然在“法律关系客体是指法律关系主体的权利义务所指向的对象”的概念上能够取得广泛一致,但对其范围却各执一词。

    The object of legal relation is one of three components of the legal relation as well as the base of right and duty .

  17. 因此,碳排放权的财产性决定了其成为信托法律关系客体的可能性。

    Therefore , the carbon emissions as an authoritative property had decided the possibility of that it becomes the object of the trust legal relationship .

  18. 法律关系客体是法律关系的三要素之一,是主体之间权利义务得以形成的基础。

    The object is one of the three basic elements in legal relationships ; it is the basis of the formation of rights and obligations between the subject and the object .

  19. 在对这些立法及国外特殊的判例和风俗进行分析的基础上,认为动物只能是特殊的法律关系客体或者保护对象。

    In this paper , the author analyses these special legislations and special foreign cases and custom and sets forth the opinion that animal can only be object of legal relations or object of protection .

  20. 辨析学界关于劳动法律关系客体的各种观点,将劳动活动、劳动行为和劳动条件作为劳动法律关系的客体,在理论上都存在片面性。

    Discriminating various viewpoints of the object of labor juristic relationship in academic circle . It is undistributed in theory that regarding labor activity , labor conduct and labor factors as the object of labor juristic relationship .

  21. 通过对生态刑事法律关系客体性质的论述,并结合传统刑事法律关系客体理论和生态刑事法律关系的特殊性,确定了生态刑事法律关系的客体是生态刑事责任。

    Through addressing the properties of the object , and combining the particularity of the relation and the object , we confirm that the ecological criminal responsibility is the object of the ecology and criminal legal relation .

  22. 二是民间音乐作品符合著作权法律关系客体的要求,应通过著作权法律体系进行保护,从而有效防止民间音乐作品商业利用过程中引起的利益冲突。

    Secondly , folk music products meet the demand of legal relation by copyright , so it should be protected by copyright system in order to effectively prevent the interests conflict from the commercialization of Folk Music products .

  23. 第二节是关于慈善法律关系客体展开论述,着重从慈善法律关系客体的范围以及对于该客体范围的界定原则来论述。

    Section II is the object of legal relations on the charity to start discussion , focusing on the object of legal relations from the scope of charity and for defining the scope of the principle object of discussion .

  24. 法理学、民法学、经济法学中均将法律关系客体界定为物、智力成果和行为,与刑事法律关系客体不一致。

    While in Civil law , economic law and jurisprudence , the object in legal relationships is defined as concrete objects , intellectual property and conducts , which does not accord with the object referred to in criminal legal relationships .

  25. 结果表明:气候资源是气候要素中可以被人类利用的那一部分自然物质和能量,是一种典型的自然资源,可以成为法律关系客体;

    The results showed that climate resources were the natural matter and energy , which could be used by human as climate elements . And it was a typical natural resource , so it could be the object of legal relation .

  26. 通过对气候资源的自然属性、经济属性分析,从法学的角度分析气候资源是能够成为法律关系客体,并且气候资源成为法律关系客体与一般客体有着不同的特征:一是科学性和技术性;

    Through analyse to climate natural attribute , economic attribute of resource , analyse climate resource to can become legal relation object in terms of law science , Whether and climate resource become legal relation object and general object have different characteristics .

  27. 从法律关系客体的概念出发,分析其与权利客体、权利标的、法律关系标的等相关概念的区别和联系,可看出上述概念是等同的。

    Starting from the legal concept of object , an analysis of the difference and similarities between the object of rights , the target of rights and the target of the legal relationships reveals that the above mentioned concepts are equal in status .

  28. 但是,国籍的概念早已有所突破,不仅包括自然人的国籍,也包括作为拟制人的法人的国籍,甚至还包括某些法律关系客体的国籍。

    But from a development perspective , the concept of nationality has some breakthrough at present , not only including the nationality of natural persons , but also the nationality of artificial person such as legal person , even including the nationality of some objects of legal relationship .

  29. 第三部分:法律关系的客体。

    Part III is about the objectivity of legal relation .

  30. 医患法律关系的客体是医疗行为。

    The object of legal relationship between doctors and patients is the medical behavior .