
  • 网络polonaise
  1. 肖邦的波兰舞曲将这一音乐形式带到了更高的层次,这是没有人预见到的。

    Chopin 's polonaises brought the musical form to a higher level than anyone had envisioned the musical style to be capable of .

  2. 肖邦一共创作了17首波兰舞曲。

    Chopin wrote a total of 17 Polonaise .

  3. G小调波兰舞曲安娜莲娜笔记本。

    Polonaise In G Minor Anna Magdalena Notebook .

  4. 波兰舞曲从叶甫盖尼奥涅金(1879)。

    S.429 , Polonaise from Eugene Onegin ( 1879 ) .

  5. 肖邦钢琴曲波兰舞曲[英雄]的民族特色析读

    National Characteristics of The Hero , the Polish Dance Music with the Piano

  6. 乐师们奏着当时以歌词闻名于世的波兰舞曲。

    The musicians played the polonaise in vogue at the time on account of the words set to it .

  7. 波兰舞曲最初是为贵族沙龙作伴舞之用,后来被移植到钢琴领域中来。

    Polonaise Sharon was first made for the noble purposes and was later transplanted to the field to the piano .

  8. 演奏了相当久的波兰舞曲听起来显得忧悒,在娜塔莎的耳鼓中回荡,它所留下的只是回忆而已。

    The strains of the polonaise , which had already lasted some time , were beginning to sound like a melancholy reminiscence in the ears of Natasha .

  9. 第三部分主要阐述了肖邦《降A大调波兰舞曲》的历史意义、美学思想以及肖邦他的钢琴语汇演奏中给笔者的启示和借鉴。

    The third part mainly expounds the Chopin " drop A major polonaise " historical significance , aesthetics and Chopin his piano playing to the author of the vocabulary of enlightenment and reference .

  10. 因此他又做了一个能发出嘎嘎声的玩具。你只要把猪倌玩具旋转几下,它就能奏出大家从开天辟地以来就知道的“华尔兹舞曲”、“快步舞曲”和“波兰舞曲”。

    he at last constructed a rattle , which , when it was swung round , played all the waltzes and jig tunes , which have ever been heard since the creation of the world .

  11. 本文从波兰舞曲的起源和民族特色、肖邦波兰舞曲[英雄]所表现的历史背景、民族艺术特色三方面析读这种民族的和人民的音乐。

    The paper discusses the Polish people and their music from the origin and national characteristics of Polish dance music , the historical background of The dance music " the Hero " and the national art features .

  12. 波兰有波尔卡舞曲;

    Poland has its polkas .