首页 / 词典 / good

  • weep;sob;cause to weep
  • tears
  • 小声哭:~诉(哭着控诉)。抽~。哭~。涕~。

  • 眼泪:饮~。~下如雨。~血(a.流眼泪没有声,像出血那样;b.指在丧事期)。


(小声哭) weep; sob:

  • 暗泣

    sob secretly;

  • 泣诉

    accuse while weeping; accuse amid tears


(使哭泣) cause to weep:

  • 动天地而泣鬼神

    move the universe and cause the gods to weep-very moving


(眼泪) tears:

  • 泣下如雨

    shed tears like rain; weep copious tears;

  • 饮泣吞声

    swallow one's tears; weep silent tears

  1. 泣则独自泣。

    Weep , and you weep alone .

  2. 未来不足惧,过去不须泣。

    Fear not the future , weep not for the past .

  3. 皮潜昨天一整夜都在泣雨。

    The loons have been calling for rain all night long .

  4. 夜幕充满末日战争的异色,罪人号泣!异教徒必死!

    Armageddon 's drawing nigh , Sinner cry ! Heathen die !

  5. 广告中流露的熊熊爱国心使不少感性观众哽咽欲泣;

    The muscular patriotism brought lumps to the throats of sentimental viewers ;

  6. 黄昏,又是一个黄昏,绵绵细雨仿佛天神泣泪,沉入大海深处。

    The continuous drizzle sank into the deep sea , as the deities'tears .

  7. 到了这时,连翻译员都哭了[泣]来。

    At this point even the interpreter broke into tears [ weeping ] .

  8. 那迷失的女孩抽噎低泣著找她妈妈。

    The lost girl whimpered for her mother .

  9. 在萨姆的大学毕业典礼上,他母亲激动得硬咽欲泣。

    Sam 's mother had a lump in her throat at his college graduation .

  10. 她用双手捂住脸,试图使自己不哭(泣)。

    Burying her face in her hands , she tried to control her weeping .

  11. 水初耗而釜泣,火增壮而力均。

    Water consumption and the beginning of autoclave cry , stronger and fire force .

  12. 与我同泣,干净而纯洁的泪水,以理解真正的幸福。

    Cry with me , a single true tear , To understand true happiness .

  13. 不是所有的死亡都可悲可泣的。

    Not every death is a tragedy .

  14. 我整个心灵,痛苦得抖泣

    And all my heart in anguish shivers

  15. 她设法抑制住自己的号泣。

    She tried to restrain her sobs .

  16. 在新时期,应泣重教育的整体性,注重对幼儿的审美启蒙教育。

    In the new period we must stress the integrity of education and the enlightening of esthetics .

  17. 有若钱塘潮泣下,力拔山兮,八千里路云和月

    Like the tears of Qiantang River that buries the clouds and moon spreading over eight thousand miles

  18. 天堂是一个完美的地方,这里没有更多的死亡、伤、泣或者痛苦。

    Heaven is a perfect place where there is no more death or sorrow or crying or pain .

  19. 这些惊天地泣鬼神的战争故事战后成了电影导演和小说作者的创作素材。

    These amazing real war events are the material which create legends and inspire book and movie authors .

  20. 看来,你对这位赐予你生命的女人的关心还真是惊天地泣鬼神啊。

    You know , the concern you have for the woman who gave birth to you is overwhelming .

  21. 这是怎样的巨大能量的释放,这是怎样的惊天地、泣鬼神的伟绩!

    This is the kind of huge energy release , this is simply how that of the great feats !

  22. 自然传达着我们的心情:她与欢笑者同欢,与哭泣者同泣。

    Nature takes on our moods : she laughs with those who laugh and weeps with those who weep .

  23. 《一层楼》和《泣红亭》中审美观及语言观转变轨迹

    Transformation Track of Aesthetic Standards and Language Views in the One - Storyed Building and the Beauty Weeping Palace

  24. 杀人之众,以悲哀泣之,战胜以丧礼处之。

    The killing of many should be mourned with sorrow . A victory should be celebrated with funeral ceremonies .

  25. 我跟我的两个孩子经常做的一件事就是捡拾我们周围地区的泣圾。

    A helping ritual that I practice regularly with my two children is picking up litter in our surrounding area .

  26. 雅4:9你们要愁苦、哀、泣.喜笑变作悲哀、乐变作愁闷。

    Be miserable and mourn and weep ; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom .

  27. 人生的差错泣求着仁慈的美,美能调整人们的孤独,使之与整体和谐。

    Life 's errors cry for the merciful beauty that can modulate their isolation into a harmony with the whole .

  28. 蓦然回首,风风雨雨、或歌或泣,多少留下了些许感慨。

    Look back upon suddenly , disturbances , or song or tears , number has left a little sighing with emotion .

  29. 蚀变岩石的δ ̄(18)O值由地表向深部逐渐降低。开展金矿的氮稳定同泣素研究,在国内尚数首次。

    The δ ~ ( 18 ) O values of altered rock decrease gradually from the surface down to the deep .

  30. 煮豆燃豆箕,豆在釜中泣.我种大豆、红豆和白豆。

    Pods burned to cook peas , Peas weep in the pot : I grow soybeans , red beans , and white beans .
