
ní tǔ
  • earth;dirt;clay;muddy soil
泥土 [ní tǔ]
  • (1) [soil]∶壤土

  • (2) [clay]∶粘土

  1. 她捧起疏松的泥土,任其缓缓地从指间漏下。

    She gathered loose soil and let it filter slowly through her fingers .

  2. 从山上冲刷下来的泥土就要让水电大坝淤塞了。

    The soil washed from the hills is silting up the hydroelectric dams .

  3. 大道延伸到一条泥土小径。

    The road petered out into a dirt track .

  4. 尽管外面泥泞,屋内的泥土地面还是很干净。

    Despite the mud outside , the earthen floor was clean .

  5. 这些房间有湿黏土散发出来的清新泥土气息。

    The rooms had the clean earthy smell of wet clay .

  6. 另一个孩子的脸上满是泥土。

    The other child 's face was smeared with dirt .

  7. 有踩烂的青草与泥土的味道。

    There was a smell of trampled grass and earth .

  8. 公鸡追着我跑过谷仓的泥土地面。

    The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn .

  9. 推土机堆起一堆一堆的泥土。

    The bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt

  10. 他们全都坐在斑驳树阴下的泥土地上。

    They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree .

  11. 我喜欢那种泥土般色调的暖色。

    I 'm attracted to warm , earthy colours

  12. 雇了一个承包商抽干水库的水,挖掉一个区域的泥土后再用黏土填上。

    A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay .

  13. 泥土被洪水冲走,露出光秃秃的岩石。

    The soil was washed away by the flood , exposing bare rock .

  14. 岩石经雨蚀风化而变成泥土。

    The rock has weathered away into soil .

  15. 他用水拌和沙和泥土做成砖块。

    He compounded water , sand and soil and formed bricks .

  16. 这种泥土干后很容易刷净。

    This kind of mud brushes off easily when it dries .

  17. 春天的原野散发着泥土的芳香。

    In spring the fields give off an earthy aroma .

  18. 手指能很容易把一块泥土粉碎。

    A clod of silt can easily be crumbled in the fingers .

  19. 他把敌人的脸按进泥土。

    He ground the enemy 's face into the dirt .

  20. 泥土的醉人的芳香叫人懒洋洋的,感到一种远离尘世的宁静。

    Intoxicating earth aromas induced lassitude and ethereal calm .

  21. 洪水已把河堤的大部分泥土冲刷掉了。

    The floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks .

  22. 美洲印第安人过去习惯用彩色泥土涂在脸上。

    It was the custom of American Indians to paint their faces with coloured clay .

  23. 雨水渗入干旱的泥土需要一些时候。

    It will take a little time for the rain to sink into the dried earth .

  24. 雨水渗透了泥土。

    The rain permeated the soil .

  25. 这当然造成了一个新的问题:芝加哥几乎每栋建筑的一楼都被泥土覆盖着。

    This of course created a new problem : dirt practically buried the first floors of every building in Chicago .

  26. 接下来,用塑料板盖住孔,用泥土固定塑料边缘,并用石头将塑料板的中心向下压。

    Next , cover the hole with the plastic sheet , securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheet 's center down with a rock .

  27. 她用泥土、水和爱来种花,因此她的后花园开满了美丽的花。

    She grew flowers with earth , water and love , so her back garden was filled with beautiful flowers .

  28. 西蒙·戴尔和他的岳父在一座小山的边上挖土,然后用泥土和石头砌了墙。

    Simon Dale and his father - in-law dug into the side of a hill and then used the mud and stone to make the walls .

  29. 草地湿漉漉的,泥土里散发着春天的气息。

    The grass was wet and the earth smelled of spring time .

  30. 他们把苹果树周围的泥土夯实

    They tamped down the earth around the apple tree .