
  • 网络tai;Tai people
  1. 泰人和越南人都为这个胜利感到自豪。

    The victory has brought so much pride to both the Tai and the Vietnamese .

  2. 那些顺从于法国的人帮助法国控制了泰人地区。

    Those who complied with the French help the French take control over the Tai region .

  3. 斯基泰人是最早的人掌握骑马的艺术。

    The Scythians were among the earliest people to master the art of riding .

  4. 行政体制方面,泰人头领的地位和权力都衰落了。

    In terms of administrative system , the role and power of the Tai Chiefs decreased .

  5. 基本上我们对博泰人的全部了解都来自于三个考古点。

    Pretty much all of what we know about the Botai comes from three archaeological sites .

  6. 夏季和冬季的范围内,从斯基泰人的后裔,游牧特克人经常来往。

    The nomadic Teke people , descended from the Scythians , regularly traveled between summer and winter ranges .

  7. 泰人社团会形成自己独特的民族特征,为所有成员所接受并遵从。

    The Tai community would develop its own unique ethnic identities that all Tai community members accepted and followed .

  8. 泰人农民可以保留所有的农产品,但必须交纳土地使用费。

    The Tai farmers are allowed to keep all the produce , but they have to pay the land fee .

  9. 由于外来移民与泰国社会融合的程度比较深,因此一般都把他们看作为泰人。

    Because foreign immigrate and Thailand society fusion of degree more deep , so general all see them as Tai a person .

  10. 傣泰人定居于肥沃的河谷低地以后,政治上控制了洛人原住民。

    As the Thai-Dai people settled in the rich river valley , they took over the control upon the Lua indigenous people .

  11. 有些长期以来已经流失的传统又由于泰人的意愿加上政府的支持而重获新生。

    Some of the long lost traditions are revived because of the Tai 's desire as well as the government 's support .

  12. 斯基泰人成立了一个丰富,功能强大的帝国屈服在公元前4世纪的萨尔马提亚之前的几百年存活。

    The Scythians founded a rich , powerful empire that survived for several centuries before succumbing to the Sarmatians during the4th century BC .

  13. 因此,泰人吸收了全国性的传统和文化,与自有文化相结合,以适应他们的生活方式。

    The Tai , therefore , adopt the national tradition and culture and integrate it with their own to suit their ways of living .

  14. 自治区最终被拆分,所有锡朴乌台泰人城镇被像越南其他地方一样加以组织。

    Finally , the Autonomous Area was totally dissolved and all Tai towns in Sipsongchutai were organized the same way as other areas in Vietnam .

  15. 泰国南部地区居住着大约100万马来穆斯林,他们在宗教、文化、习俗等方面与泰国主体民族泰人有着明显的差异。

    About 1 million Malayan Muslims live in southern Thailand , who are distantly similar to the Thai in terms of religion , culture and custom .

  16. 虽然泰人大多数都是农民,但他们的孩子从法国殖民时期起就一直获得教育,甚至战争期间也不例外。

    Although the majority of the Tai are farmers , Tai children have continually been provided with education since the French colonization even during the war .

  17. 当战争结束,泰人重归家园,成为多民族的越南社会主义共和国中的一员。

    After the war ended , the Tai returned to their ancestral families in their original homeland constituting one ethnic group in the multiethnic Socialist Republic of Vietnam .

  18. 但博泰人所在地的泥土里,发现的钾相对很少,使得这看起来更可能磷是来自马匹的。

    But the soil at the Botai settlements , it was found with relatively little potassium , which makes it far more likely that the phosphorus came from horses .

  19. 依据分布地区和方言的不同,人们习惯把泰国泰人分为北部泰人、中部泰人,东北部泰人和南部泰人。

    According to different locations and dialects , they were classified into four major Tai-speaking groups : the northern Tai , the central Tai , the northeastern Tai and the southern Tai .

  20. 泰国王室认为华人是来抢夺泰人的地盘和钱包的,于是制定严厉的政策来限制华人。

    They thought the overseas Chinese were coming for forcibly occupy turf and money from Thai . So the imperial court of Thailand made many harsh policies to restrict the overseas Chinese .

  21. 在重建家园的斗争中,泰人已经学会调整本民族的策略,以求得生存并为越南人所接受。

    Throughout those times they were struggling to rebuild the homeland , the Tai had already learned to adjust to the national policy in order to survive and be accepted by the Vietnamese .

  22. 俄罗斯人从何而来?究竟又是何时成为如今的俄罗斯人?科学家们意见不一,也无从回答。诺曼人、斯基泰人、萨尔马特人和南西伯利亚乌孙人里都有俄罗斯人的祖先。

    Scientists still cannot agree on their origins and answer the question when Russians became Russian.The ancestry of Russians were sought among Normans , Scythians , and Sarmatians , and even the South Siberian Usuns .

  23. 佩特拉可能是这份名单上最美的一座城市,它位于约旦,靠近死海,被认为曾是纳巴泰人商业贸易的中心。

    Arguably the most beautiful of all the cities on this list , Petra is located in Jordan near the Dead Sea and is believed to have once been the center of the Nabataean caravan trade .

  24. 佩特拉古城(约旦):这个古老城市曾经是阿拉伯纳巴泰王国的首都,商队贸易的中心。公元106年,纳巴泰人战败后该市在罗马人的统治下不断繁荣。

    PETRA , JORDAN : This ancient city was the capital of the Arab kingdom of the Nabateans , a center of caravan trade , and continued to flourish under Roman rule after the Nabateans ' defeat in A.D.106 .

  25. 尽管在同时期,切索尼斯算是几个比较民主的社会之一,但据历史记载,这个城邦一直不断遭受着斯基泰人和罗马帝国之间的战争洗礼,最终落入了罗马人的手中。

    Though it was one of the few relatively democratic societies at the time , historical records have shown that this city-state was constantly at war against the Scythian people and the Roman Empire . It eventually lost its independence to the latter .