
tài guó rén
  • Thailander;Thai people
  1. 泰国人习惯吃米饭。

    Thai people are used to eating rice as a meal .

  2. 而且,大多数泰国人在吃正餐时都不会坐下来,因为通常他们吃饭的时候都已经非常饥饿了,尤其是在孩子和青少年时期。

    Also , most Thai people do not sit down to eat a proper meal because they usually eat when they are hungry , especially kids and teenagers .

  3. 现在还完全不清楚泰国人究竟想做什么。

    It is still far from clear exactly what the Thais intend to do .

  4. 许多美洲原住民重视沉默,认为沉默是人与人之间交流的基本部分,就像一些传统的中国人和泰国人一样。

    Many   Native   Americans   value   silence   and   feel   it   is   a   basic   part   of   communicating   among   people ,   just   as   some   traditional   Chinese   and   Thai   persons   do .

  5. 中国的DNA鉴定专家组以及中国国家卫生救援队人员帮助泰国人查找受难者的资料。

    The personnel of the DNA identifying expert panel and national medical rescue team of China are helping Thailand to search the victim 's information .

  6. 根据“世界人口综述”(WorldPopulationReview)网站的数据,目前约有14%的泰国人是华裔,所以,泰国是中国以外世界上最大的华人社区所在地之一。

    Today about 14 percent of the population is ethnically Chinese , according to World Population Review , making Thailand the home of one of the world 's largest Chinese communities outside China .

  7. 结论越南中部京族人的HLADQA1等位基因分布具有民族特征,与中国各民族及泰国人的HLADQA1等位基因分布有差异。

    Conclusion HLA-DQA1 alleles polymorphism of Jing nationality in central Vietnam has national characteristics and is different from other Chinese and Thais .

  8. 原本为花钱谨慎的泰国人与俄罗斯人设计的小包装袋的雀巢(Nescafé)咖啡,正在步入紧缩时代的欧洲销售。

    Small packs of Nescaf é coffee designed for cash-conscious Thais and Russians are on sale in austerity-era Europe .

  9. 所有游客及外宾都必须拥抱和亲吻泰国人。

    All visitors and foreigners must hug and kiss Thai people .

  10. 越来越多的泰国人希望学习汉语。

    Now more and more Thai people want to study Chinese .

  11. 泰国人相信让猴子快乐会带来好运。

    Thai people believe that keeping monkeys happy brings good luck .

  12. 属于或关于泰国人讲的泰语的。

    Of or relating to the languages of the Thai people .

  13. 泰国人很喜欢拿榴莲招待客人。

    Thailand people love to invite the customer to eat durian .

  14. 对这些小个子泰国人来说,当然是在象鼻子上啦。

    For these elves in Thailand it 's obviously in their trunks .

  15. 很多泰国人认为朝海龟扔硬币可以带来长寿。

    Many Thais believe that throwing coins on turtles will bring longevity .

  16. 他是泰国人但他信奉印度教。

    He is Thai but he is a Hinduism believer .

  17. 她的母亲是新加坡籍华裔,父亲是泰国人。

    She has a Chinese-Singaporean mother and a Thai father .

  18. 你帮助日本人屠杀泰国人。

    You help the Japs to kill Thai people .

  19. 泰国人用手抓饭吃与众不同。

    There is a special way of doing it .

  20. 泰拳是泰国人传统的自我防卫术。

    Thai Boxing is a traditional an of self defense of the Thais .

  21. 泰国人爱吃水果。

    The people in Thailand love eating fruit .

  22. 1957年泰国人庆祝了第一个教师节。

    The first Teachers Day was held in1957 .

  23. 泰国人汉语习得中介语音声母系统研究

    A Research on the Intermediate Speaking Initial Systems for Chinese Learning of Thai Students

  24. 不是,我是泰国人。

    No , I come from Thailand .

  25. 针对泰国人汉语教学的多媒体课件制作与研究

    A Study and Development of the Internet-based Distant Teaching and Learning of Mandarin for Thai

  26. 泰国人黄斑下出血玻璃体腔内注射组织纤维蛋白酶原激活剂和气体填充的治疗效果

    Results of intravitreal tissue plasminogen activator and expansile gas injection for submacular haemorrhage in Thais

  27. 后来泰国人重新翻制了它并用老挝和泰国的方式去演绎了。

    Then the Thai remake this and he sing in a Lao and Thai way .

  28. 泰国人学汉语是对外汉语教学的一部分。

    Thai People Study Chinese Language is a part of Teaching Chinese Language for foreigners .

  29. 马克的母亲是个泰国人。

    Mark 's mother is Thai .

  30. 如果泰国人不谨慎行事,该国可能会变成亚洲的下一个绝望之地。

    If Thais are not careful , the country could become the next Asian basket case .