
  • 网络nanning;Nanning City
  1. 南宁市娱乐场所AIDS健康教育和行为干预效果分析

    Results of intervention of AIDS health education and behavior in sex workers in entertainment places in Nanning City

  2. 南宁市空气臭氧污染的TAR模型预报研究

    Study on TAR Model in Ozone Prediction of Nanning City

  3. 基于GIS的城市大气环境污染与人体健康信息系统研究&以广西南宁市为例

    Information System of Nanning Atmospheric Environment Pollution and Human Health

  4. 南宁市新生儿腹泻病发病相关因素的Logistic回归分析

    Logistic Regression Analysis on Relevant Factors of Neonatal Diarrhea in Nanning

  5. 南宁市健康男性黄曲酶毒素B1暴露与饮食习惯的相关性研究

    Study of correlation of aflatoxin B_1 exposure and the food habits in healthy male people in Nanning of Guangxi Province

  6. 降维方法在南宁市降水pH值预报中的应用

    Application of Empirical Orthogonal Functions ( EOF ) Method in Forecasting pH Value of Precipitation in Nanning

  7. 南宁市1999~2005年献血者HIV检测结果分析

    Result analysis of HIV screening in blood donors of Nanning during 1999 ~ 2005

  8. AHP法在南宁市地下空间开发地质环境适宜性评价中的应用

    Application of AHP to Geological Environment Suitability Assessment in Nanning Underground Development

  9. 方法用ELISA法对南宁市4175名婚前妇女进行弓形虫IgM、IgG抗体检测。

    Methods 4 175 premarital women from Nanning were examined for the anti_Toxoplasma IgM and IgG antibodies with ELISA .

  10. 南宁市大气颗粒物PM(l0)、PM(2.5)污染水平

    Pollution Levels of the Airborne Particulate Matter ( PM_ ( 10 ), PM_ ( 2.5 )) in Nanning City

  11. 通过对酸雨观测资料和污染源资料的统计分析,并利用拉格朗日烟团模式计算表明,南宁市酸雨的频率较高,pH值较小;

    The observed data of acid rain and pollution source are analyzed , and the analysis shows that the frequency of Nanning acid rain is high and the pH value is low .

  12. 企业数字化中BOM多视图形态的组织策略南宁市大比例尺地形图缩编项目的施工组织

    Organizing strategy of multi-view conformation of BOM in digitalization of enterprise ; Generalization Method of the Large Scale Digital Topographic Map for Nanning City

  13. 直接从广西南宁市凤凰纸业排污沟碱性土壤样品中抽提和分离纯化混合基因组DNA,所获得DNA的产量为每克土壤样品10~30μg。

    The mixed genomic DNA were extracted and purified from alkalescence environmental samples directly in this study . The DNA yields that have been got ranged 10 to 30 μ g per gram of dry environmental sample .

  14. 方法对南宁市的建筑工人、宾馆和酒楼服务员、理发美容人员、小商贩、学生等进行AIDS知识与态度问卷调查。

    Method Using self-designed questionnaires to investigate knowledge and attitude for AIDS among construction workers , hotel and restaurant attendants , workers employed in haircut and cosmetic services , businessmen , vendors and students .

  15. 南宁市郊区汉族青少年Heath-Carter法体型分析

    Somatotypes of suburban juveniles in Han nationality by Heath-Carter method in Nanning

  16. 南宁市大雨以上强降水的V-3θ结构特征及预报应用

    Application of V-3 θ Plot to the Heavy Rainfall Forecasting in Nanning

  17. 南宁市土壤中除Zn、As外,Cu、Pb、Cd、Ni的全量与可给态之间均呈极显著的正相关。

    Ni and As ; Cr and Cu in soils except that of Ni and Pb or Pb and Cr. There were highly significant positive correlations between available and total contents of heavy metals except Zn and As .

  18. 方法应用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型的原理,建立《南宁市常规疫情辅助分析系统》,《南宁市疾病防控预警系统》。

    Method Applied the principles of the gray model GM system ( 1,1 )," The Routine Epidemic Status Assistant Analysis System of Nanning " and " The Infectious Diseases Surveillance Early-alarming System of Nanning " were designed .

  19. 目的:分析南宁市1999-2005年献血者HIV感染状况及流行特征和趋势,为采供血机构和相关部门提供决策依据。

    Objective : To analyze the status of HIV infection and its prevalence character and prevalence trend among blood donation population of Nanning in 1999 ~ 2005 to provide policy-making basis for blood supply and transfusion organization and related departments .

  20. 本文介绍在南宁市繁华市区成功进行的一次该市首例高30m六层框架大楼定向拆除爆破。

    A directional demolition blasting of 30 m high 6 floor framed building was successfully carried out for first time in the downtown of Nanning city is introduced .

  21. 对南宁市2003年的空气污染指数(API)与天气因素(天气类型、气象因子)的相关性进行了详细分析。结果表明,高压脊在冬春季对API影响较大;

    The relation of API ( Atmosphere pollution index ) and weather factors ( weather type , weather genes ) in 2003 of Nanning city was analyzed , the results show that in winter and spring the high pressure ridge affect API greatly ;

  22. 本文介绍了南宁市城区中压电网在适应高压电网的发展中存在的主要问题:(1)结构不合理一大量放射形10kV线路;

    This paper introduces the problems emerged in the developing process of Nanning Medium-voltage distribution network to adapt the progress of HV network . These problems are : ( 1 ) unreasonable structure ( large amount of radical type 10 kV lines );

  23. 根据南宁市1995~2003年9a的逐日太阳总辐射资料,建立了用其他气象要素估算不同季节太阳总辐射量的经验公式,并对其进行了验证。

    This paper has established the empirical formulas of the total sun radiation in different seasons with other meteorological elements and carried on the verification to it According to the daily solar radiation data in Nanning during 1995 ~ 2003 .

  24. 南宁市部分居民对高血压病社区护理需求的调查分析

    Investigation on nursing demands of hypertension of community denizens in Nanning

  25. 2004年南宁市空气质量回顾

    A review of the atmospheric quality of nanning city in 2004

  26. 南宁市地下水位动态预测方法探讨

    An approach to groundwater regime predict of Nanning city , Guangxi

  27. 职业教育资源配置优化论:以南宁市为例

    Optimize Resources Distribution of Vocational Education : A Case of Nanning

  28. 南宁市1604例跟骨定量超声测定结果分析

    An analysis of calcaneal quantitative ultrasound measurement in 1604 Nanning subjects

  29. 影响南宁市空气质量的天气因素分析

    Analysis on Weather Factors Affecting on Atmosphere Quality in Nanning City

  30. 南宁市白话声调系统比较研究

    The Comparative Study of the Intonation System of Cantonese in Nanning