
nán běi chā jù
  • the Gap between the North and the South
  1. 南北差距由产生到逐渐消除本来就是人类历史发展规律所含有的一个必然过程。

    The Gap between the North and the South dispelling gradually is an inevitable course of the law of human social development .

  2. 经济全球化过程中资源的整合必然会导致南北差距拉大。

    The merger of resources and unreasonable international economic rules must widen the gap between the North and the South in the process of globalization .

  3. 要进一步促进发展中国家发展,缩小南北差距。

    We should accelerate the development of developing countries and narrow the North-South gap .

  4. 中国走新型工业化道路的过程及其结果具有深远的世界意义,主要表现在:将使世界工业化人口增加一倍,遏制南北差距拉大;

    The process and results of the new industrialization in China has profound world significances .

  5. 粤军北征,让我们进一步看清了切实存在的南北差距。

    Dao North levy , let us gain a better understanding of real North-South gap .

  6. 南北差距进一步扩大。

    The North-South gap is widening .

  7. 不断扩大的南北差距越来越成为一个令人担忧的问题。

    The increasingly widened gap between the south and the north has already become a world-wide concern .

  8. 不平等的世界格局下经济全球化的发展加深了南北差距;

    The development of economic globalization in the unequal situations widens the gap between southern and the northern countries .

  9. 现在,薪资的南北差距不断缩小,能源价格差距却在日益扩大。

    Now , as the wage arbitrage between the north and south narrows , the energy gap is widening .

  10. 当今世界,高技术产业的发展存在着明显的南北差距。

    Nowadays , there are obvious differences in development of high-tech industries between developing countries and the developed countries .

  11. 减少贫困、缩小南北差距,是维护国际安全的治本之举和紧迫任务。

    To reduce poverty and narrow the South-North gap is the fundamental approach and urgent task to uphold international security .

  12. 国际格局变化使发展中国家处境艰难,南北差距拉大,发展中国家之间发展也不平衡,拉大了它们经济上的差距。

    The changes in international patterns put them in a difficult situation , and the South - North gap is widened .

  13. 当今世界,北方发达国家正在以其强大的技术优势主导着经济全球化和知识经济的发展趋势,南北差距日益加剧。

    The world today , North-South gap is growing because northern developed countries have a leading role in economic globalization with powerful technology .

  14. 中国致力于缩小南北差距,支持发展中国家增强自主发展能力。

    China is committed to narrowing the North-South gap and supports other developing countries in their efforts to enhance capacity for self development .

  15. 但由于发展中国家内部三大机制的缺损,实践结果反而使南北差距越来越大。

    Due to their lack of three major mechanisms among themselves , the results of the practice made the North-South development gap even wider .

  16. 冷战结束后,随着经济全球化进程的加速,南北差距拉大,南北矛盾突出。

    After the cold war , the South-North gap has been broadened and the South-North contradiction is getting more apparent as the process of economic globalization accelerates .

  17. 我们支持国际社会帮助发展中国家增强自主发展能力、改善民生,缩小南北差距。

    We support international efforts to help developing countries enhance their capacity for independent development and improve the lives of their people , so as to narrow the North-South gap .

  18. 在当今不合理的国际政治经济秩序下,全球贫困人口有增无减,贫富差距、南北差距越来越大。

    Under an irrational international political and economic order , the poor population is growing continuously , and the wealth gap and the gap between the North and the South are widening .

  19. 全球化成为滋生恐怖主义的新温床,恐怖主义是全球化的一种伴生物:全球化加剧了南北差距和贫富分化;

    The globalization has become the seedbed for terrorism which accompanies the globalization all the way : it accelerates the difference between the South and the North , the polarization of the wealth ;

  20. 但是在南北差距还十分巨大的今天,发展中国家要想赶上发达资本主义国家,实现经济上的腾飞十分困难。

    But on still very enormous today in north margin in south , the developing country wants to catch up to prosper the capitalism the nation , realizing the development on the economy is very difficult .

  21. 反对恐怖主义要标本兼治,采取综合措施,其中解决发展问题、缩小南北差距、解决地区冲突十分重要。

    In fighting terrorism , it is necessary to address both its symptoms and root cause , and adopt comprehensive measures , especially in solving the question of development , narrowing the North-South gap , and ending regional conflicts .

  22. 南北差距的缩小将不仅有利于全球经济的健康发展,也有利于从根本上消除世界上许多不安定因素。

    The narrowing of the wealth gap between the North and the South is not only beneficial to the sound development of the global economy , but also to the fundamental elimination of many unstable factors in the world .

  23. 发达国家针对发展中国家的市场准入壁垒还远未铲除;南北差距非但没有缩小,反而进一步扩大。

    We must be aware that the market access barriers imposed by developed nations against developing countries are far from being eradicated and that the gap between the South and the North has been further widened instead of being narrowed .

  24. 但也必须看到,在生产力和科学技术迅速发展的同时,世界发展不平衡的现象始终存在,尤其是南北差距不仅没有缩小,反而不断扩大;

    It must be noted , however , that in spite of rapid advancement of productive forces and science and technology worldwide , development has all along remained uneven and , what is more , the North-South gap has kept widening instead of narrowing .

  25. 南北差距的日益扩大、环境霸权主义的存在、国家利益的冲突和不合理的国际经济旧秩序等因素阻碍了南北矛盾的解决。

    The obstacles that hinder the solving of above contradictions are : the enlargment of the gap between the southern and the northern countries , the existence of environment hegemonism , the conflict of nations'benefits and the unrational old order of the world 's economy .

  26. 促进市场深化,扩大民营范围,缩小南北差距,打破传统的国家垄断和行业垄断的界限,是摆在我们面前的重要历史任务。

    So we should tackle the problems , such as advancing the deepening of the market , enlarging the scopes of the private economy , shortening the disparity between the north and the south , and breaking the bounds of the traditional state monopoly and industrial monopoly .

  27. 南北贫富差距进一步拉大。

    The wealth gap between the north and the south is being enlarged .

  28. 南北经济差距还在扩大

    Widening economic gap between North and South

  29. 南北经济差距拉大;

    North-South economic gap has widened ;

  30. 试析经济全球化过程中的南北贫富差距现象

    The Analysis of the Wealth Gap between Developed Nations and Developing Nations in the Course of Economic Globalization