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  • 网络south subtropical zone;Southern semitropics
  1. 副热带季风环流与源于南亚副热带地区的偏南风,北支高空东风相联系;但天龙山岩体明显偏北,大有脱离东西向分布向北东飘移之势。

    The subtropical monsoonal circulation is associated with the Southerlies from the subtropical South Asia and the northern upper Easterlies ; But Tianlongshan body is obviously northward drift .

  2. 乌木树一种生长于南亚的热带树木(乌木柿树属),木质坚硬,呈深黑色赣南稀土矿区果园土壤和脐橙中稀土元素含量的测定

    A tropical tree ( Diospyros ebenum ) of southern Asia , having hard , dark - colored heartwood . Determination of Rare-earth Elements ( REEs ) in Orange-growing Soils and Navel Oranges around Rare-earth Mining Area in Southern Jiangxi

  3. 南亚边缘海域热带气旋年频次与对流层风场变化的关系

    The Relationship between the Tropical Cyclone Frequency over the South Asian Marginal Seas and Tropospheric Wind Variations