
  • 网络Thai;thai style
  1. 生活得有变化才精彩,我们去吃泰式咖喱吧。

    Variety is the spice of life . Let 's go for Thai curry1 .

  2. 暹罗和苏荷在Woo相遇。这是一家咖啡馆和概念店,泰式创意在这里绽放——是真的有花朵绽放——从植物和精致的插花开始。

    Siam meets Soho at Woo , a cafe and concept store that blooms with Thai creativity - literally - starting with plants and exquisite floral arrangements .

  3. 协助泰国清迈按摩学校(TMC)提升泰式传统按摩于国际学术界的接受度。

    Assist Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai ( TMC ) to promote international acceptance of Thai Massage as an academic field .

  4. 在约克城高地的IBM实验室里,我享用了这道菜,也吃了另一款由沃森创造出的美味菜肴:瑞士/泰式芦笋乳蛋饼。

    For lunch at the IBM labs in Yorktown Heights I slurped down that one and another tasty Watson invention : Swiss / Thai asparagus quiche . Not bad ! It 's unlikely that either one would ever have occurred to humans .

  5. Nahm是一家位于曼谷的高级餐厅,主要供应传统泰式美食,由澳大利亚厨师戴维·汤普森(DavidThompson)掌勺,今年它的排名上升19个名次,至第13位。

    Nahm , the region 's top restaurant which serves traditional Thai cuisine in Bangkok by Australian chef David Thompson , moved to No. 13 , up 19 places from last year 's list .

  6. 皇后区埃尔姆赫斯特的茶杯咖啡店(TeaCupCafe)除了有一堆布娃娃和宝丽来相机外,还供应充满绿茶的冰激凌,它是军绿色的,尝起来像烧焦了;这里的泰式冰激凌是绚丽的橙色,带有淡淡的花香味。

    and at Tea Cup Cafe in Elmhurst , Queens , which serves , amid a clutter of Blythe dolls and Polaroids , ice creams suffused with green tea , military in color and tasting almost burned , and Thai thea , garish orange with a distant floral tinge .

  7. 煤气管螺丝板牙和扳手泰式双曲柄管子扳钳

    Gas stocks and dies Thai type pipe wrench with double-curved handle

  8. 你应该去尼克森街那家泰式料理吃吃看。

    You should try that Thai restaurant on Nicolson Street .

  9. 泰式双曲柄管子扳钳两点式无曲柄压力机

    Thai type pipe wrench with double-curved handle double crankless press

  10. 我是吃泰式料理长大的。那真的很辣。

    I grew up on Thai food . It 's really hot .

  11. 油炸虾饼是典型的泰式食物。

    The deep-fried shrimp cakes are standard Thai fare .

  12. 油煎鱼饼配泰式咖喱,青柠檬叶。

    Fried fish cake , spiced with Thai curry and kaffir lime leaves .

  13. 泰式双曲柄管子扳钳像被钳子夹紧了一样。

    Thai type pipe wrench with double-curved handle clamped as in a vise .

  14. 多谢你昨晚送的泰式炒面

    Thank you for the Thai noodles last night .

  15. 泰式炒面与鸡肉沙爹?-

    Uh , mee krob and chicken satay ? -

  16. 奢华的别墅以泰式的装潢和家具,现代的设备为特色。

    The luxurious villas feature stylish Thai decor and furnishings , and modern appliances .

  17. 泰式料理通常被列为世界上数一数二的美食。

    Thai food is regularly rated as some of the best in the world .

  18. 在傍晚时分,我们下了山,住进了一家泰式旅馆。

    By late afternoon , we descend the mountain trail to a Thai inn .

  19. 穿泰式宽松风格的裤子配汗衫?

    Baggy Thai pants with a singlet ?

  20. 一个简单的泰式咖喱酱由干辣椒,葱和虾酱。

    A simple Thai curry paste consists of dried chillies , shallots and shrimp paste .

  21. 提供安全的泰式传统舒压及泰式脚底舒压教学与服务。

    To provide hands-on skills in Thai massage and Thai Foot Reflexology for safe practice .

  22. 泰式按摩精油和草药香皂;

    Thai herbal massage oil and soap ;

  23. 享受传统的泰式按摩会是你旅游中的重要内容。

    Having a traditional Thai massage can be one of the highlights of your visit .

  24. 蒜苗控肉汤。泰式豆腐汤的做法-怎么做泰式豆腐汤的制作方法

    Thai tofu soup broth Garlic control approach-how to do Thai method of making tofu soup

  25. 泰式双曲柄管子扳钳

    Thai type pipe wrench with double-curved handle

  26. 我们为您准备了泰式花环。

    Free Thai Flower Ring for everybody .

  27. 著名的辣味冬荫功配大虾和泰式宽河粉。

    Flat thai rice noodle in our very famous spicy tom yum soup with king prawns .

  28. 房间内床头的壁画、传统的家具装饰,将泰式风情与现代感糅合于一体。

    Rooms featuring murals and traditional furniture show a perfect combination of contemporary art and Thai style .

  29. 在一天行程结束后,尝试在泰式按摩或者香薰理疗中舒缓神经,放松身心。

    Experience an invigorating Thai massage or a gentle aromatherapy massage as a blissful ending to your day .

  30. 这是托尔斯泰式的赎罪故事,从中也可以看到赵树理早年宗教教育的痕迹。

    In such a Tolstoyan theme of redemption , one notes traces of Chao 's early religious training .