
  • 网络taikang road
  1. 她,从泰康路搬到了威海路,又从威海路辗转来到了我们身边。

    She , moved to Weihai road from Taikang road , and then moved back to us from now on .

  2. 明后期,又在老城南增筑新城,今万福路、泰康路和一德路为新城的南界。

    The late Ming , but also by building in the old South Park , this Wanfu Road , Taikang Road and Park Road in a south German border .

  3. 改革开放以来,辖内多条各具特色的商业街先后形成,如闻名海内外材料汇集的泰康路、大南路。

    Since reform and opening up , Xianei a number of different characteristics of the Commercial Street has taken shape , such as the pool of well-known both at home and abroad of Taikang Road , Tai Road .