
  • 网络Contemporary Arts Center;Centre of Contemporary Arts;OCAT
  1. 在附近的尤伦斯当代艺术中心,MAD建筑事务所举办的“山水城市”展将展示时髦的未来主义,该公司的创始人马岩松正是因此声名鹊起。

    Nearby , at the UCCA Museum , the exhibition " Shanshui " by MAD Architects showcases the sleek futurism that made the firm 's founder , Ma Yansong , famous ;

  2. 就在千禧桥不远处的BALTIC当代艺术中心成为我们此行参观的第一个景点。

    The first place we visited was BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art on the south bank of the River near the Millennium Bridge .

  3. 2012年,她在北京的尤伦斯当代艺术中心做了一个装置作品,名叫《空中墨花园》(HangingGardeninInk)。她以巴比伦的空中花园为灵感,把植物涂成黑色。

    In 2012 , she installed a work , " Hanging Garden in Ink , " with plants painted black , based on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon , at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing .

  4. 2005年,美术馆成立了OCT当代艺术中心,它是中国目前唯一的一所隶属于国家级美术馆的非营利当代艺术专业机构。

    In2005 , OCT Contemporary Art Terminal was set up in the Museum , and it is the only non-profit professional institution of contemporary art subordinated to a national museum in China today .

  5. 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(UCCA)位于798艺术区,每周还为首都的外来工儿童提供免费的艺术工作室。

    UCCA , located at798 art district , also offers a free art workshop every weekend for children of migrant workers in the capital .

  6. 当代艺术中心,辛辛那提,美国

    Center for contemporary art , Cincinnati , usa , 2003

  7. 场域演变&解读伊比利亚当代艺术中心

    Approach Altering : Unscrambling Iberia Center for Contemporary Art

  8. 澳大利亚当代艺术中心,2006年。

    Australian Centre for Contemporary Art , 2006 .

  9. 昨天晚上在尤伦斯当代艺术中心我不但听见他的大胆预测。

    His was not the only bold prediction I heard last night at the UCCA .

  10. 天安时间当代艺术中心邀请您一起走进曾浩的这个盛夏!

    Beijing Center for the Arts invites you to have a taste of Zeng Hao 's " Summer "!

  11. 在昨天晚上在尤伦斯当代艺术中心的谈论中有些很有趣的话题。

    Last night 's discussion at the UCCA raised some interesting questions on contemporary art in the economic downturn .

  12. 此次慈善活动是联合国儿童基金会,伍宜孙基金和尤伦斯当代艺术中心共同举办的。

    The charity event is the joint effort of UNICEF , Sun Fund , and the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art .

  13. 拓展未来建筑设计的先锋领域&哈迪德与辛辛那提当代艺术中心

    Expansion of a pioneer field of architecture design in the future : hadid and her work : contemporary arts centre , cincinnati

  14. 中国先锋诗人李磊将自己的诗歌代表作–摇滚首次以摄影的方式由玛斯德比当代艺术中心推出。

    Li Lei chinese avant-courier poet present his own magnum opus of poesy – rock-and-roll with photography by Must Be contemporary art center for the first time .

  15. 你们已经“拥有”了这部戏,相信下个月在可当代艺术中心的表演会更好。

    You own this play , now , and you 'll be that much better when we do it again next month at the Ke Center for Contemporary Arts .

  16. 谈及下一步的计划,张小涛打算离开四川美院,前往北京,担任麒麟当代艺术中心的负责人。

    For his next venture , Mr. Zhang plans to leave the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and take the helm of a Beijing gallery , the Kylin Center of Contemporary Art .

  17. 文芳的“新金砖”近期在瑞士洛桑的奥林匹克博物馆展出,而且被位于北京著名的尤伦斯当代艺术中心所收藏。

    Wen Fang 's Golden Bricks have recently been exhibited by the Olympic Museum in Lausanne , Switzerland , and have recently been acquired by Ullens Center for Contemporary Art ( UCCA ) in Beijing .

  18. 这座城市有多家风格迥异的艺术机构与美术馆,包括艺术家常驻的艺术村Zoma当代艺术中心及Asni艺术馆(真的,它更像一座艺术精品盛会,而不是展览馆),几乎每个星期就有一场艺术开幕式。

    Thanks to the city 's diverse art institutions and galleries , including the artist-in-residence village Zoma Contemporary Art Center and the Asni Gallery ( really more an art collective than a gallery ) , there is an art opening at least once a week .

  19. 该奖项高达10万英镑,每年的颁奖晚宴上都会看到一些英国艺术和文化界的大佬们,随便一数就有阿尔诺菲尼当代艺术中心、布里斯托博物馆、贝特莱姆精神健康博物馆、大英博物馆、约克艺术画廊等。

    The prize of £ 100000 is presented each year at an awards dinner attended by some of the UK 's leading figures in the arts and culture sector with a shortlist including the Arnolfini , Bristol , Bethlem Museum of the Mind , London , and York Art Gallery .

  20. 有一种强烈的共识认为,摄影是当代艺术的绝对中心。

    There is a strong sense that photography is now seen as absolutely central to contemporary art .

  21. 谢长勇(乐山当代艺术文献研究中心主任):70年校庆时他给我一本画册,《现实的余光》。

    Xie Changyong ( Director of Leshan Contemporary Art Document Research Centre ): He gave me an album Residual Light in the Reality in the70th School Anniversary .

  22. 不断扩张的798艺术区仍是北京当代艺术图景的中心,不过,过去十年的商业化让这里出现了很多纪念品店、服装精品店和咖啡馆,它们抢走了画廊的一些风头。

    The sprawling 798 Art District is still the hub of Beijing 's contemporary art scene , although the last decade has brought commercialization in the way of souvenir shops , boutiques and cafes , distracting from the galleries .

  23. “北京-雅典,来自中国的当代艺术”,国家当代艺术中心,希腊雅典;

    Beijing-Athens The contemporary art exhibition from China , Ntional contemporary art center of Greece , Atherns , Greece ;