
  • 网络contemporary world;modern world
  1. 比如说有一些对当代世界时局自我欺骗式的阐释

    There is , for instance , a self-deluding interpretation of the contemporary world situation .

  2. 纵观当代世界,各国都已经不同程度、不同形式地建立了ADR这一纠纷解决机制。

    Throughout the contemporary world , countries have established ADR mechanism in different degrees and forms .

  3. 疾病诊断相关分组法即:DRGS(DiagnosisRelatedGroupsSystem)是一种新型的病例分类法,是当代世界医院管理研究的热门话题。

    Diagnosis Related Groups System ( DRGS ), very popular in the research of hospital management around the world , is a new method of case classification .

  4. 烟气SO2引起的酸雨污染是当代世界面临的重大环境问题之一。

    Acid rain caused by SO2 from the flue gas is one of the major environmental problems .

  5. 跨国公司(TNCs)在当代世界经济有着举足轻重的作用。

    TNCs play a vital role in modern world economy .

  6. PK型环链电动葫芦是我厂从原德国曼内斯曼·德马格公司引进专有技术制造的新一代的产品,具有当代世界先进水平。在国际市场上享有盛誉。

    Type PK Electric Chain Hoist is manufactured after importing the know-how from Mannesmann Demag demag Company in Germany , which enjoys high prestige in the world market .

  7. 外商直接投资发展迅速,投资全球化已成为当代世界经济全球化发展显著的特征之一,FDI作为资本和技术等要素的重要载体,其对于中国经济发展的重要意义已经被普遍认同。

    FDI develop quickly , investment globalization has become one of remarkable characteristic of economic globalization development in the contemporary era , as one the most important carrier for the capital and technology , FDI is widely considered as a good way to improve Chinese economy .

  8. 学者们有时会将这种超自然现象的流行概括为世界的某种“重新魔幻化”——正如德国社会学家马克斯·韦伯(MaxWeber)等众多学者曾经认为的,人们越来越多地意识到当代世界并非没有了魔幻色彩,

    Scholars sometimes talk about this supernaturalization as a kind of " re-enchantment " of the world - as a growing awareness that the modern world is not stripped of the magical , as the German sociologist Max Weber and so many others once thought ,

  9. 当代世界基础教育课程改革的发展趋势

    The General Tendency of the World Curriculum Reform for Basic Education

  10. 古老世界的风雅与服务,当代世界的舒适与方便。

    Old-world amBiance and service comBined with new-world comfort and convenience .

  11. 当代世界高校入学考试制度改革趋向研究

    On the Trend of College Entrance Examination Reform across the World

  12. 家庭暴力问题是当代世界各国普遍面临的比较棘手的问题。

    Family violence is a problem for the present world countries .

  13. 文化反弹与当代世界文化格局的发展趋势

    The Trend of Culture Rebound and Culture Setup of Modern World

  14. 腐败是当代世界各国所面临的焦点问题之一。

    Corruption is one of the focus problems in the world .

  15. 论当代世界思想政治教育特色及启示

    Characteristics and enlightenment of ideological political education of the present world

  16. 对《当代世界经济政治与国际关系》的构想

    The Blueprint of Contemporary World Economics & Politics and International Relations

  17. 发展是当代世界的两大主题之一。

    Development is one of the two themes of the present world .

  18. 和平和发展是当代世界的两大问题

    Peace and development are the two outstanding issues in the world today

  19. 当代世界职业教育发展趋势刍议

    On the Trend of the Development of Vocational Education in the World

  20. 当代世界环境伦理学理论之比较

    A Comparison of the Theories of Modern World Environmental Ethnics

  21. 正确认识当代世界的主题

    Have a Correct Understanding of the Theme in Present World

  22. 当代世界博物馆大发展的剖析

    An analysis of the great development of modern museums throughout the world

  23. 当代世界高等教育发展的主要趋势

    The Main Developing Tendency of the Present World Higher Education

  24. 现代化进程的生命线&当代世界的思想政治教育

    Lifeline of Modernization & Ideological and Political Education in the Modern World

  25. 在当代世界有两个特别糟糕的想法

    The two really bad ideas that are hovering in the modern world

  26. 全球化己成为当代世界的标志性特征。

    Globalization has become a symbol characteristic of modern society .

  27. 当代世界经济发展特点简析

    A brief analysis of the development of current world economy

  28. 当代世界公民教育的理念考察

    An Examination of the Ideas of Contemporary World Citizenship Education

  29. 最后.当代世界经济是带有政治性质的;

    Contemporary world economy is in the nature of politics ;

  30. 信息革命与当代世界格局演变

    The Information Revolution and The Change of Contemporary World Structure