
fān bǎn yùn dòng
  • windsurfing;sailboarding;boardsailing
帆板运动[fān bǎn yùn dòng]
  1. 你玩过帆板运动吗?

    Have you ever tried windsurfing ?

  2. 试试网球、羽毛球或帆板运动吧。总之,只要是有挑战性的。

    Try tennis , badminton or windsurfing . In short , anything challenging

  3. 游客大多是来进行帆船或帆板运动的。

    Most visitors come to sail or windsurf .

  4. otterbox保护套的防水深度可达100英尺,这使得它们成为了沙滩及帆板运动的最佳选择。

    Otter box cases are waterproof up to 100ft , which makes them ideal for the beach and sports activities like windsurfing .

  5. 帆板运动竞赛中直线速度的重要作用

    Brief Analyses on the Vital Function of Straight-line Speed in Sailboarding Sports

  6. 帆板运动迎风航行力学分析及航线选择

    Mechanical Analysis of Windward Sailing and Selection of Sailing Route

  7. 关于帆板运动起航技战术分析

    Analysis on the Launch Skill and Strategy of Sailboarding Sport

  8. 这里是由中国帆船帆板运动协会开具的保险证明。

    Here is the insurance certificate from Chinese Yachting Association .

  9. 帆板运动一点也不受学生们的欢迎。

    Windsurfing is not popular with students at all .

  10. 她从帆板运动和滑雪运动中得到极大的乐趣。

    She gets her kicks from windsurfing and skiing .

  11. 今天有风而且暖和,所以这种天气很适合做帆板运动。

    It 's windy and warm , so it 's good weather for windsurfing .

  12. 对我国帆船、帆板运动项目发展的整体思考

    The Development or Chinese Yachting and Windsurfing

  13. 我只是希望他能积极地跑动、积极地抢篮板。她从帆板运动和滑雪中得到极大乐趣。

    I just want Cook to rotate and play defense . She gets her kicks from windsurfing and skiing .

  14. 如果你想讨好他/,冒险刺激的约会是少不了的-以尝试帆板运动、岩或山洞探险。

    If you are feeling up for it , take your Aquarius on an adventure date & windsurfing , hang-gliding or spelunking .

  15. 帆板运动是一项由人体驾驭帆板对抗(克服或利用)自然的海浪与海风的运动。这项运动自二十世纪七十年代创立以来,由美国起源逐渐风靡世界。

    Since this sports was founded from in the 70 's 20th century , by the United States origin gradually fashionable world .

  16. 介绍了帆板运动的运动学参数、测定的方法,分析了帆板运动学参数测试的可行性。

    Kinematical parameters & measuring method of sailboarding are introduced and the ( feasibility ) of kinematical parameters ' measurement is analyzed in this paper .

  17. 比如说潜水、帆板运动、初级滑水运动(使用两块滑水板)和障碍滑水运动(使用一块滑水板)。

    There is diving and sailing , basic waterskiing ( using two water skis ), and slalom waterskiing ( where only one ski is used ) .

  18. 我国板鞋竞速运动的现状与发展对策研究帆板运动竞赛中直线速度的重要作用

    Research on the Development Actuality and Countermeasures of the Board-shoe Racing Sports of China Brief Analyses on the Vital Function of Straight-line Speed in Sailboarding Sports

  19. 中国帆协是全国帆船帆板运动的领导机构,是代表中国参加国际帆船组织的唯一合法组织。

    Chinese sail 's helping is a national sail boat sail plank sport of leadership organization , is representative China attend international sail boat to organize of the only legal organization .

  20. 对卷尺弹簧驱动太阳帆板展开运动进行了分析。

    It has the analysis of the unfolding of the solar array driven by combined hinges .

  21. 分析结果表明,该帆板在运动过程中所受的阻力较小,与工程设计的预估结果相近。

    The result showed that the drag in spreading was rather small which was similar to the estimation in engineering design .

  22. 设计了一套轻便、不影响运动员正常训练的帆船帆板训练运动状态实时遥测系统。

    An easy and convenient remote survey system has been devised for the actual time of the motion state sailing and windsurfing training , which wont affect the normal training for the athlete .

  23. 该文主要论述了帆板摇帆运动训练专家系统(PTES)的开发与设计,以及实现的关键技术问题。

    Therefore , this paper mainly demonstrates the development and design of windsurfing pumping training expert system ( PTES ), the significance of development system and the key technical issues in realization .

  24. 航天器模拟试验系统的平台为单轴气浮台,通过对该模拟试验系统进行试验,可以展开航天器太阳帆板挠性结构运动模拟及相互耦合影响的研究。

    In this paper , the test platform of spacecraft simulation system is a single axis air-bearing table , through the test of the simulation system , motion simulation for flexible structure of spacecraft solar panels and the effect of intercoupling can be studied .

  25. 皮划艇、赛艇、帆船帆板等水上运动项目是奥运会的基础项目之一备受世界各国体育界的重视,水上项目是浙江省重点、优势项目。

    Aquatic sports such as canoeing , rowing and sailing are the elementary sports of the Olympic Games , and attached the importance to the world of sports .