
  1. 奥运列车传播帆都情

    Olympic train spreading greeting from the Sailing City

  2. 我最初看到它的时候,船上所有的帆都鼓满了风,航向为西北。

    When I first sighted her , all her sails were drawing ; she was lying a course about north-west ;

  3. 不但旧篷帆都补好了,新篷帆,一匹匹的帆布,一捆捆的绳索也都陆续送上船来了;

    Not only were the old sails being mended , but new sails were coming on board , and bolts of canvas , and coils of rigging ;

  4. 两只大帆都张起来了,借着风力雪橇以每小时四十英里的速度在结冻的雪地上飞驰开了。

    The two great sails were hoisted , and under the pressure of the wind the sledge slid over the hardened snow with a velocity of forty miles an hour .

  5. 可是船加快了速度:它的帆都先后张起来了。浪涛大起来了,沉重的乌云浮起来了,远处掣起闪电来了。

    After a while , the sails were quickly unfurled , and the noble ship continued her passage ; but soon the waves rose higher , heavy clouds darkened the sky , and lightning appeared in the distance .

  6. 最后那个命令刚下达完,所有的帆就都收了下来,船在凭借惯性向前滑行,几乎觉不到是在向前移动了。

    At this last command all the sails were lowered , and the vessel moved almost imperceptibly onwards .

  7. 苏珊:我喜欢航帆但是我从来都没有时间。

    Susan : I love to sail , but I never have time .

  8. 我喜欢航帆但是我从来都没有时间。我想看看你的船,克丽丝。

    I love to sail , but I never have time . I 'd like to see your boat , chris .