
  • 网络wash oil;washing oil;Wash the oil;flushing oil
  1. 本论文以中温煤沥青为原料,蒽油和洗油为稀释剂调节煤沥青的软化点,再以混合溶剂离心法脱除软沥青中QI,蒸馏出溶剂得到精制软沥青。

    In this paper , medium temperature coal tar pitch was used as the raw material , and anthracene oil and wash oil were used to adjust the softening point as the diluents . Then remove QI from the soft pitch by the method of mixed solvent-centrifugal .

  2. 洗油组分的提取、应用及前景

    Extraction , Application and Prospect of the Components of Wash Oil

  3. 粗苯设备腐蚀物质是洗油中的呲啶碱和煤气中的NH3、H2S、HCl、HCN等。

    The corrosion substance of crude benzol equipment is pyridine alkalies in washing oil , NH3 , H2S , HCL , HCN and so on in coke oven gas .

  4. 长庆油田最佳洗油时间为75h。

    The optimum cleaning time of Changqing oilfield is 75 h.

  5. GGA-1P型洗油仪的研制

    Development of GGA-1P washing oil instrument

  6. 降低粗苯洗油消耗的途径

    Ways to Cutting down the Consumption of Crude Benzol Washing Oil

  7. 洗油加工和焦油萘蒸馏系统的结渣问题分析

    Analysis of Slagging Problem in Wash Oil and Naphthalene Distillation Section

  8. 焦油和洗油中萘的毛细管气相色谱测定

    Capillary Gas Chromatographic Determination of Naphthalene in Coal-tar Oil and Cleaning Oil

  9. 利用工业萘生产装置加工洗油的研究

    The Study of Processing Washing Oil Using the Devices of Technical Naphthalene

  10. 提高轻苯产量及降低洗油消耗的实践

    Practice of Improve Benzol Production and Reducing Wash Oil Consumption

  11. 洗油蒸馏模拟计算在设计中的应用

    Application of Analog Calculation of Wash Oil Distillation in Design

  12. 注入高效洗油剂;

    Highly effective oil displacement agent ( HEODA ) injection ;

  13. 影响洗油质量的原因及改进措施

    Factors Influencing the Washing Oil Quality and Measures for Improvement

  14. 用气相色谱法测定洗油中萘含量

    Determination on Naphthalene Content of Absorber Oil with Gas Chromatog

  15. 利用低萘洗油脱除焦炉煤气中萘

    A Process of Removing Naphthalene from Coke-oven Gas through Low-naphthalene Washing Oil

  16. 她要洗油腻腻的碟子和肮脏的衣服。

    She has to wash slimy dishes and dirty clothes .

  17. 提高粗苯回收率及稳定洗油耗量的改进措施

    Measures for Increasing Crude Benzene Recovery Rate and Reducing Wash Oil Consumption

  18. 一种洗油加工工艺及其产品的应用

    A Technology of Processing Washing Oil and Application of Its Extracted Products

  19. 从洗油中提取喹啉的初步研究

    Preliminary study on Extraction of leucoline from wash oil

  20. 煤焦油洗油(以下简称洗油)中含有吲哚。

    Indole consists in washing oil of coal tar .

  21. 洗油质量的好坏直接影响洗苯效果。

    The qualities of wash oil affect directly the effects of extracting benzene .

  22. 微乳液在油砂洗油中的应用

    Application of Microemulsion in Washing Oil of Oil Sand

  23. 从分缩油中提取低萘洗油的生产实践

    Production Practice on Extracting Wash Oil with Low Naphthalene Content from Condensed Oil

  24. 从煤焦油洗油中提取喹啉和异喹啉的研究

    Study of quinoline and isoquinoline extraction from wash oil

  25. 用低萘洗油深脱外供焦炉煤气中的萘

    Deep Removal of Naphthalene in the Coking Still Gas by Low Naphthalene Wash Oil

  26. 洗油大气污染物排放量估算方法的研究

    Study on the Methods of Estimating Drainage Amount of Atmosphere Pollutants of Washing Oil

  27. 陕北石油秩序从洗油中分离精制β甲基萘

    Purification of β - methylnaphthalene from wash oil

  28. 煤焦油洗油组分提取及其在精细化工中的应用

    Extraction of Washing Oil Distillate from Tar and Its Application in Fine Chemical Industry

  29. 从洗油中分离和精制β-甲基萘的新工艺

    A new process of separating and refining β - methylnaphthalene from gas absorber oil

  30. 降低洗油消耗的措施

    Countermeasures to Decrease the Consumption of Wash Oil