
  • 网络Standard cubic meter;SCM;standard cubic metre
  1. 德里污染控制委员会(DelhiPollutionControlCommittee)的健康标准是每立方米100微克以下。

    The Delhi Pollution Control Committee 's standard for healthy conditions is 100 micrograms per cubic meter or lower .

  2. 对中国城市的这项研究发现,PM2.5的年均接触量为每立方米56微克,而世界卫生组织的空气质量安全标准为每立方米10微克。

    The study of cities in China found the average annual expose to PM2.5 was 56 micrograms per cubic metre , compared to the WHO guideline limit for safe air quality of 10 micrograms .

  3. 该项目的主要目的是基于减少燃烧化石和其他燃料造成的PM10,参考标准是从每立方米70微克减少到20。

    The WHO 's projection for fewer deaths is based mainly on reducing PM10 , caused by burning fossil and other fuels , from a reference point of70 micrograms per cubic metre down to20 .