
  • 网络Chemical reaction process
  1. Nd~(3+):YAG脉冲激光引爆斯蒂酚酸铅的化学反应过程

    Chemical Reaction Process of Initiated Lead Styphnate by Nd  ̄( 3 + ): YAG Pulse Laser

  2. 通过X射线衍射法并结合热力学理论计算,研究温度在1600℃以下SiO2-C-N2-O2系统的主要化学反应过程。

    The main chemical reaction process was determined through X_ray diffraction analyzing and theoretical calculation in SiO_2-C-N_2-O_2 system under 1 600 ℃ .

  3. 基于虚拟仪器的智能PID算法对化学反应过程温度的控制研究

    Study PID Controller on Control Temperature of Chemical Reaction Based on Virtual Instruments

  4. 研究了DNA碱基胸腺嘧啶在H2O2存在下与不同种类石棉之间的化学反应过程。

    The chemical reactions between DNA thymine and selected asbestos in the presence of H2O2 have been described .

  5. 为了精确、连续地调节和控制无机化学反应过程中溶液的pH值,研制了溶液pH自动调节控制仪。

    In order to regulate and control the pH value of the solution precisely and continuously in inorganic chemical reaction , a self-regulating and auto-controlling apparatus was developed .

  6. Texaco气化炉混合过程及化学反应过程中的控制因素分析

    Analysis of Dominating Process Between Mixing and Reactions in a Texaco Coal Gasifier

  7. 本文工作也为进一步的研究打下了良好的基础,在RST流场CFD数值模拟的基础上可以进一步进行传热及化学反应过程的CFD数值模拟研究。

    Based on this foundation , the CFD simulation of heat transfer and chemical reaction process in RST can be carried out .

  8. 采用Gear算法模拟了再燃脱硝再燃区中化学反应过程,反应的热力学和动力学参数采用GRI30,模拟结果和实验结果作比较,说明该模拟可以用于预测再燃脱硝的基本过程。

    The chemistry process of reburning has been modeled on the bases of GRI 3 0 and the method of Gear . The model can be used to indicate the chemistry process on the basis of experimental results .

  9. 本文采用CSTR模型,对非热等离子体烟气脱硝的化学反应过程进行数学模拟。

    In this work a CSTR model was adopted to simulate the chemical reaction processes in non-thermal plasma flue gas denitrification .

  10. 光合作用涉及光能的吸收、能量转换、电子传递、ATP合成、CO2固定等一系列复杂的物理和化学反应过程。

    Photosynthesis , which involves energy of light , absorption , energy conversion , electron transfer , ATP synthesis , CO2 fixation etc. , is a complex physical and chemical reaction process .

  11. 通过傅立叶红外吸收光谱(FTIR).1H和13C核磁共振波谱(NMR)对制备PZT铁电薄膜的Sol-Gel化学反应过程进行了分析。

    The sol-gel chemism of the preparation of PZT ferroelectric thin films has been studied by fourier transform infrared ( FTIR ), 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) .

  12. 简要介绍了Ω-H图法,并给出了化学反应过程在该图上的表示,用此方法对合成氨的变换工序进行了分析,对原流程进行了改进。

    The analytical method of Ω- H diagram is introduced briefly , and the expression of chemical reaction process on the diagram is given . The transformation procedure of synthetic ammonia is analyzed with this method and the initial process is modified .

  13. 在OFR流场RTD数值模拟的基础上可以进一步进行OFR中化学反应过程的数值模拟研究。

    Base on the result of numerical simulation of RTD in OFR , futher simulation study on chemical reaction process in OFR can be carried out .

  14. 同时指出了原有的ZND模型的不足,如对化学反应过程的考虑过于简单化。

    It was realized the deficiency of inchoate ZND model such as the over-simplified of the chemical reactions .

  15. 利用热重-差热仪(TG-DTA)和程序控温还原(TPR)对材料煅烧和还原过程中的物理及化学反应过程进行了分析。

    The physical and chemical reactions during the calcinations and reduction processes are analyzed using Thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis ( TG-DTA ) and Temperature Programmed Reduction ( TPR ) .

  16. 负载2-乙基己醇可用NaOH溶液反萃取,反萃取为不均相化学反应过程,NaOH用量和动力学因素是使反萃取完全的重要条件。

    Loaded 2 ethylhexanol is back extracted with NaOH solution and the back extraction is a heterogeneous chemical reaction process . The amount of NaOH and kinetics factors will be very important for effective back extraction of theophylline .

  17. 在时间轴模型的扩展方面,分析了SU-8光刻胶的组成及其曝光交联化学反应过程,建立了适合于SU-8胶的光交联反应动力学模型。

    To generalize the time axis exposure model , the components of SU-8 photoresist and its photopolymerisable reaction in exposure process were analyzed , and a reaction kinetics model befitting SU-8 was built .

  18. 采用迭代目标转换因子分析法(ITTFA)解析动力学模型未知的化学反应过程中的动力学-光谱数据矩阵,获得了各组分的动力学谱。

    Iterative target transformation factor analysis was applied to resolve the kinetic-spectral data matrix monitored in the process of spectroscopic reaction of unknown kinetic model and the kinetic spectrum of each component is obtained .

  19. 当Cl2含量为30%左右时,刻蚀中的物理溅射与化学反应过程趋于平衡,刻蚀速率处于峰值区,同时刻蚀粗糙度也可达到最小值。

    When Cl_2 content is about 30 % , there is a fine balance between the ion bombardment and the chlorine reaction , where the etching rate is close to peak value and the surface is the smoothest .

  20. 不同尺度上的混和对于快速化学反应过程的影响

    Effects of mixing on various scales on fast chemical reactions

  21. 光声检测叠氮化铅分解的化学反应过程

    Photoacoustic Detection for Chemical Reaction Process of Lead Azide Decomposition

  22. 肥皂是在皂化这个化学反应过程中生成的。

    Soap is made from a chemical reaction called saponification .

  23. 一种散发热量的化学反应过程。

    A chemical reaction accompanied by the evolution of heat .

  24. 并研究了碘在整个化学反应过程中的重要作用。

    The effect of iodine during the reaction has also been researched .

  25. 加工羟基的等离子体化学反应过程

    Study to the plasma chemistry process of producing hydroxide radical

  26. 化学反应过程潜在环境影响分析法

    An approach for potential environmental impact analysis in reaction processes

  27. ZnO/Al体系化学反应过程的研究

    The Process of Chemical Reaction in ZnO / Al System

  28. 化学反应过程的理想功和损耗功

    Ideal work and lost work in process of chemical reaction

  29. 啤酒的发酵是一个复杂的生物化学反应过程。

    Beer fermentation is a complex biochemical reaction process .

  30. 目前膜技术与化学反应过程结合技术引起了关注,渗透蒸发与反应结合,尤其是与酯化反应结合的技术潜力倍受重视。

    The use of membrane in chemical reaction process is attracting much attention .