
huó yuè fèn zǐ
  • activists
活跃分子 [huó yuè fèn zǐ]
  • [limb] 行动积极、有朝气、活泼好动的成员

  • 挑选律师中品质高尚的一些活跃分子

  1. 这些活跃分子不想做局外人。

    These activists don 't want to feel out of the loop .

  2. 修正案一直受到亲民主的活跃分子的支持。

    The amendments had been championed by pro-democracy activists .

  3. 股份回购可以通过减少资产负债表上的现金和股票发行数量,来增加投资者的回报。美国SteelPartners等维权活跃分子基金普遍要求公司进行股份回购。

    Buy-backs , which can increase returns for investors by reducing cash on the balance sheet and cutting the number of shares in issue , are a common demand of activist funds , such as Steel Partners of the US .

  4. 2009年,Jonas成为坐轮椅残疾人活跃分子中的佼佼者,开始禁酒法行动执法人员的工作。

    In2009 , Jonas became a pioneer of the wheelchair campaigners working as an Operation Dry Law enforcement officer .

  5. 在JDOM上(我是其上的一个共同创建者和长期的活跃分子),我们主要的软件更改都源起于用户的请求。

    On JDOM ( on which I was a co-creator and long-time activist ), most of our major software changes were in response to user requests .

  6. 她是个社交活跃分子,而且很长时间以来一直喜欢把孩子的照片贴到Flickr网站上“秀”给大家看。

    She 's always been a social soul and has long had the habit of posting photos of her children on Flickr , the photo-sharing site , for others to see .

  7. Peek的获得票数近3倍于排名其次的苹果新Macbook笔记本电脑,一款被大批网络活跃分子们和操作系统平台痴迷者期待已久的电脑产品。

    It received nearly three times the number of votes as the second-ranking Apple 's MacBook , a product that could be expected to attract a far greater number of online activist platform zealots .

  8. 在这所学校里他是一位学生会领袖,也是政治活跃分子。

    There he was a student leader and a political activist .

  9. 千真万确,很多女权主义活跃分子在推特上工作。

    It 's true that plenty of feminist-activists work on Twitter .

  10. 活跃分子简单地认为鹿根本不是问题。

    The activists believe simply that the deer are not the problem .

  11. 菲利普·尼什克医生是主张“协助自杀合法化”的著名活跃分子。

    Dr Philip Nitschke is a well-known advocate of legal assisted suicide .

  12. 私募股权公司通常都是其投资组合公司的董事会中的活跃分子。

    Private equity firms are generally active board members of their portfolio companies .

  13. 上星期二被拘留的118个领袖和活跃分子已全部获释放。

    All118 leaders and activists detained last Tuesday in Harare have been released .

  14. 温迪是这个部门的活跃分子,对其他人很有激发力。

    Wendy is the real live wire of the department who motivates all the others .

  15. 他是一个作家和演讲家,是开源社区的活跃分子。

    He 's a writer , presenter and active member of the open source community .

  16. 几乎可以涉及社会生活的每个领域。尤其在政治领域中,大众传媒更是一个活跃分子。

    Especially in the field of politics , Mass Media has played a very Active role .

  17. 尤其在政治领域中,大众传媒更是一个活跃分子。

    Especially in the field of politics , mass media has played a very " active role " .

  18. 药效基团可以被考虑作为一套分享的最大的公分母活跃分子。

    The pharmacophore can be considered as the largest common denominator shared by a set of active molecules .

  19. 她成为积极推动加强数学、计算机、阅读和写作等方面教育的活跃分子。

    She became a vocal activist in the areas of mathematics , computers , reading and writing education .

  20. 过去3年来,公司不愿冒险,使自己易受对冲基金活跃分子的攻击。

    Companies have made themselves vulnerable to activist hedge funds by playing safe in the past three years .

  21. 不过,他和他的活跃分子同伴正造福于自己和其他投资者。

    Still , he and his fellow agitators are doing some good for themselves and for other investors .

  22. 私人股本集团还将提高负债至比两位对冲基金活跃分子寻求的更高位。

    It would also leverage their balance sheets to a greater degree than either hedge fund activist seeks .

  23. 随着党员数量不断下降,党内活跃分子代表广大民众的能力一直在持续下降。

    As their numbers have dwindled , party activists have become steadily less representative of the population at large .

  24. 在过去的几年中,女权主义活跃分子已经不怕麻烦,将涉及男性的不平等问题视为奋斗目标。

    Over the years , feminists activists have gone out of their way to target inequalities that affect men .

  25. 但从积极的一方面说,你又可能是社交场合的活跃分子。

    On the plus side , you 're probably the life and soul of a party , the findings suggest .

  26. 在台球风潮袭卷美洲之前,它已经有了一段发展不平衡的历史,这点,活跃分子诸如英格兰人杰克卡尔等功不可没。

    Before hitting America , billiards already had a spotty history thanks to the likes of hustlers such as Englishman Jack Carr .

  27. 仅测定几个活跃分子的热量无法得出准确的温度,你需要数十亿个分子甚至更多。

    The energy of a few molecules bouncing around doesn 't give a good indication of heat , you need billions or more .

  28. 在圣彼得堡,一些记者看到反对派活跃分子被押进警车前,警察用警棍和拳头殴打他们。

    In St Petersburg , Some correspondents saw riot police beating activists with batons and their fists before forcing them into police buses .

  29. 前国务卿希拉里·克林顿于9月29日接受采访,向演员兼政治活跃分子莉娜·杜汉姆敞开心扉,畅谈自己的婚姻生活。

    Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton opened up about her marriage in an interview with actress and activist Lena Dunham published Tuesday .

  30. 在求爱的过程中,“秘密”描述了一副平常的高中图画,刻画了校园里的活跃分子,书呆子,还有我们主人公爱情的竞争对手的形象。

    In between the wooing ," Secret " delivers the usual scenes from high school , featuring jocks , nerds and rivals for our main characters'affections .