
  • 网络near-death experience;nde;NDES
  1. 是不是说如果我们吸进足够多的二氧化碳,我们就能感受到濒死体验了吧。我们现在就开始吧。

    Mon : Does that mean if we breathe in enough carbon dioxide , we will feel NDE ? Let 's do it , now .

  2. 大多数濒死体验很简短,因为当事人被从鬼门关抢救回去,所以只回想起了最初的印象。

    Most often a NDE is brief , as the person is being snatched back from the jaws of death , so only this initial impression is recalled .

  3. 最近的一次盖洛普民意测验披露,2,000万美国人声称他们有过濒死体验。

    A recent Gallup poll revealed that 20 million Americans claimed to have had near-death experiences .

  4. 这类经验与重症监护病房患者回忆起来的“濒死体验”不是一码事,该研究团队的负责人佩·C·格朗(PeiC.Grant)说。

    These events are distinct from " near-death experiences , " such as those recalled by people revived in intensive care units , said Pei C. Grant , the director of the research team .

  5. 在他死后九分钟,他无法解释地奇迹般生还,述说了自己濒死体验。

    Nine minutes later , miraculously and unaccountably , he returned to life to tell of his amazing near-death experience in the afterlife .

  6. 不少有过濒死体验的人曾表示当时感觉意识脱离躯体浮在上空,或被眩目的光芒吸引而去。

    Some report feeling as if they are hovering above their own bodies , while others find themselves drawn towards a blinding light .

  7. 当人们拥有这种濒死体验,很容易相信他们对必死的感受会更深刻。

    When people have these near brushes with death , it 's easy to believe that the fact of their mortality is more vivid .

  8. 花旗经历了同样的金融危机,遭遇了相似的濒死体验,甚至拥有相同类型的不良抵押贷款资产。

    Citi went through the same financial crisis , suffered from a similar near-death experience and even owned some of the same toxic mortgage assets .

  9. 但是,正如麦戈尼格尔所指出的,其中一些测试涉及随机电击以及溺水造成的濒死体验,这些并非很多人共有的体验。

    But , as McGonigal points out , some of these tests involved randomised electric shocks and near-death by drowning , hardly the common experience of many humans .

  10. 上周,帕弥亚和他的同事宣布了“人类意识研究项目”的第一阶段主要实施计划:为期三年对于超出生物学范围的“濒死体验”研究。

    Last week Parnia and his colleagues at the Human Consciousness Project announced their first major undertaking : a3-year exploration of the biology behind " out-of-body " experiences .

  11. “不管你信不信,这次危机大有裨益,”布塔利斯点燃新一支骆驼烟,说道,“如果没有这种‘濒死体验’,我们根本就不会讨论这些改革措施。”

    " Believe it or not , the crisis is very helpful ," says Boutaris , lighting another Camel . " We 'd never even be talking about these reforms if we didn 't have a near-death experience . "

  12. 但是,尽管这些体验让人刻骨铭心,但却没有人从“坟墓那边”带回过什么证据或是可资验证的信息。怀疑论者的看法是,濒死体验可以解释,但是是受损大脑可以预期的自然幻觉。

    While such experiences are profound , no one has returned with proof or verifiable information from " beyond the grave . " Skeptics suggest that the experiences are explainable as natural and predictable hallucinations of a traumatized brain , yet there is no way to know with certainty what causes near-death experiences ,

  13. 有大约46%的受访者说他们对濒死时发生的事有一些印象,然而这些记忆却与我们所知道的关于濒死体验的常识不符。

    About 46 percent of all of the patients interviewed said that they had some recollection of their near death experience ; however , these memories do not fit in with the general knowledge about near-death experiences .