
bīn wēi
  • Endangered;be in imminent danger;be critically ill
濒危 [bīn wēi]
  • [be critically ill;be in imminent danger] 临近危境,也指病危将死

濒危[bīn wēi]
  1. 成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。

    The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction .

  2. 他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物。

    They placed the African elephant on their endangered list .

  3. 海龟是濒危物种。

    The sea turtle is an endangered species .

  4. 熊猫是濒危物种。

    Pandas are an endangered species

  5. 他为了挽救濒危动物而献身。

    He gave his life to saving animals in danger .

  6. 这次战役确实起作用了。现在,美国各联邦机构正准备将岛屿灰狐移出“濒危物种名单”。

    And it worked , today , federal agencies are pulling the island fox from the Endangered Species List .

  7. 波沙说:“我们有义务对灰狐的量再持续关注至少5年,直到它被移除出濒危物种名单。”

    " We 're obligated to keep a pulse on the population for at least five years after the foxes are delisted , " says Boser .

  8. 在被拯救的诸多哺乳动物中,岛屿灰狐是恢复最快的一个种群,和路易斯安那黑熊等一起成为《濒危物种法》保护历史上最瞩目的成功案例。

    It 's the fastest-ever recovery of a mammal , joining peers like the Louisiana black bear as glowing successes in the history of the Endangered Species Act .

  9. 当游客挤走当地人时,威尼斯将面临被列入“濒危”名单

    As Tourists Crowd Out Locals , Venice Faces ' Endangered ' List

  10. 这让人感到不真实。感觉我们就像是某种形式的濒危物种。

    It feels unreal . It feels like we 're some form of endangered species .

  11. 但将威尼斯列入联合国教科文组织濒危名单——这一名单主要被发展中国家和冲突缠身的国家所占据将会是一个国际尴尬局面,甚至可能会伤害意大利有利可图的旅游业。

    But adding Venice to the UNESCO endangered list — which is dominated by sites in developing and conflict-ridden countries — would be an international embarrassment , and could even hurt Italy 's profitable tourism industry .

  12. 她说,联合国的这一文化组织之所以没有投票宣布威尼斯成为世界濒危遗产地,主要原因是联合国教科文组织已经变得“极度政治化了,会有一些幕后谈判。

    She says the main reason the U.N. cultural organization didn 't vote to declare Venice a World Heritage Site In Danger is because UNESCO has become " intensely politicized.There would have been some back-room negotiations . "

  13. 微波炉和快餐连锁店是罪魁祸首,但是大型食品公司才是使家庭厨师成为濒危物种的幕后黑手——它们想尽办法出售商品,却偏偏不卖新鲜食材。

    The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalyst , but the big food companies — which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking — made the home cook an endangered species .

  14. 2014年,联合国教科文组织给了意大利两年的时间来管理威尼斯繁荣的旅游业,否则这个城市将被列入另一个名单——世界濒危遗产,加入被叙利亚战争摧毁的阿勒颇和巴尔米拉等遗址的行列。

    In 2014 , UNESCO gave Italy two years to manage Venice 's flourishing tourism or the city would be placed on another list — World Heritage In Danger , joining such sites as Aleppo and Palmyra , destroyed by the war in Syria .

  15. 克里斯和蒂姆在动物园工作,帮助濒危的鹤进行繁殖。

    Chris and Tim work at a zoo , helping endangered cranes with their reproduction .

  16. 濒危加州秃鹰重现活力

    California Condor 's Shocking Recovery

  17. 那么是什么导致苏铁濒危呢?

    So what causes cycads to be in danger ?

  18. 一些濒危动物受到珍稀物种保护计划的保护。

    Some endangered animals are under the protection of programs that look after rare species .

  19. 鲑鱼正逐渐消失,而欧洲鳗鲡仍处于极度濒危状态。

    salmon2 are disappearing , and the European eel3 remained critically endangered .

  20. 非洲森林象现在更临近灭绝,被列为极度濒危物种。

    Forest elephants are now even closer to extinction2 – critically endangered .

  21. 墨西哥努力拯救濒危的鼠海豚。

    Mexico strives to save endangered porpoise .

  22. 是关于濒危野生动植物种国际贸易的国际公约。

    CITES is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora . CITES

  23. 尽管蓝鲸的数量在南极水域有所增加,但这两种鲸鱼均为濒危物种。

    Both are endangered , though the blue whale 's starting to make a comeback in Antarctic waters .

  24. 和成千上万的植物和动物相比,科学家们只对约五十个真菌物种是否能列入世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录中进行了评估。

    And only about 50 species have been evaluated for the extinction4 Red List compared with thousands of plants and animals .

  25. 科学家们敦促世界自然保护联盟在地球濒危物种名单中把帝企鹅所处的位置提高。

    The scientists are pressing the International Union for Conservation of Nature to lift Emperors higher up on its list of Earth 's endangered species .

  26. 但环境保护工作者们相信,非洲象濒危所敲响的警钟能确保这些象征着非洲野生动物的庞大物种得到它们所需要的保护和生存空间。

    But conservationists are confident that this wake-up call could ensure that these giant icons7 of African wildlife get the protection and the space that they need .

  27. 世界自然保护联盟制定的濒危物种红色名录,被认为是反映日益拥挤的地球上,自然界生存现状的详尽报告,最新公布的名录将非洲草原象列为濒危物种。

    This latest Red List of Threatened Species – considered to be the comprehensive report on how nature is faring on an increasingly crowded planet – puts Africa 's savanna1 elephants into the endangered category .

  28. 科学家们说,了解鱼、兽和鸟类的定向方式可以帮助他们弄清楚如何保护濒危动物以及哪些因素可能影响这些动物的行为。

    The scientists say that understanding how fish , animals and birds navigate4 could help them figure out how to protect those that are endangered , as well as what factors might affect their behaviour .

  29. 濒危药用植物延龄草RAPD反应体系的建立

    Optimization of RAPD reaction system for endangered pharmacy plant Trillium Tschonoskii

  30. 珍稀濒危树种毛红椿微卫星DNA分离及SSR反应体系优化

    Isolation of Microsatellite DNA from Endangered Tree Toona ciliata var . pubescens and Optimization of SSR Reaction System