
  • 网络flow curve;curve
  1. 触变性含蜡原油流变曲线的测量方法

    The Measuring Method of Equilibrium Flow Curve of Thixotropic Waxy Crude Oil

  2. 基于流变曲线的热塑性变形过程微观组织模拟建模研究

    Modeling Research on Microstructure Simulation during Hot Plastic Forming Based on Flow Curve

  3. 由流变曲线看出,交联降低了PP熔融黏度对温度的敏感性;

    The cross-linking decreased the degree of crystallinity and the temperature sensibility of melt viscosity .

  4. 使用扭矩流变仪对聚丙烯(PP)抗氧体系进行了研究,分析了扭矩流变曲线。

    The antioxidant systems of polypropylene ( PP ) were evaluated by torque rheometer , and the rheogram so acquired was analyzed .

  5. 结果表明:每种土壤在不同载荷和水分状态下的流变曲线均服从Burgers模型,方程的4个流变参数(EM,EK,ηM,ηK)均随载荷的增大而增大;

    The results showed that the rheological curves of the four soils under varied moisture contents and applied loads followed the Burgers model .

  6. 通过测定LMPM/PP复合体系的流变曲线可知,加入少量LMPM,PP熔体粘度显著下降,表明液态LMPM对聚丙烯有明显的促流作用。

    From the rheological curve of LMPM / PP composites , it is known that the viscosity of PP descends notably with small amount of LMPM addition .

  7. 结果表明,在共混物中,炭黑优先分布在具有高极性、低熔融黏度的环氧树脂相中,形成较强的相互作用。由流变曲线看出,交联降低了PP熔融黏度对温度的敏感性;

    In a PP / epoxy blend , CB preferentially located in the epoxy phase which possessed higher polarity and lower melt viscosity , forming strong epoxy / CB interaction . The cross-linking decreased the degree of crystallinity and the temperature sensibility of melt viscosity .

  8. 结果表明,在同一剪切速率γw下,高芳烃含量的充油1,2-BR与低芳烃含量的相比,表观粘度ηa增大,流变曲线斜率小,非牛顿性较强。

    The experimental results showed that the apparent viscosity η a of oil extended 1,2-BR was greater , the slope of rheological cure was less and the non-Newtonian property became greater than those of the pure one at the same shear rate γ w.

  9. 对改性SiC浆料流变曲线进行拟合发现,改性SiC浆料在高固相含量下的流变特性符合Krieger-Dougherty模型,而在低剪切速率下,改性SiC浆料的流变特性接近于Sisco模型。

    It shows that at low shear rate , the rheological curves of modified SiC slurries can fit well with Sisco model , comparing with Quemada model , Krieger-Dougherty model can fit much better with modified SiC slurries at high solid loading .

  10. 实验发现:在0~200s-1的剪切区,不同条件下测得的流变曲线均可用Casson模型进行拟合,拟合出的Casson屈服应力τc可较好地反映悬浮体的稳定性。

    It is found that in the shear rate of 0 & 200 s ~ ( - 1 ) all the rheological curves obtained under different conditions can be fitted with Casson model and Casson yield stress τ _ ( c ) reflects well the stability of suspension .

  11. 测试了不同温度下熔体的流变曲线、非牛顿指数;

    Flow curves and non - Newtonian index were investigated at different temperatures .

  12. 聚合物聚醚多元醇流变曲线的数据分析

    Data Analysis of Flow Curves of Polymer Polyol

  13. C&Mn钢热变形流变曲线的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation on the True Strain-True Stress Curve of C-Mn Steel during Hot Deformation

  14. 陕北石油秩序含蜡原油全流变曲线

    The Full Rheological Curve of Waxy Crude Oil

  15. 半固态流变曲线测控装置

    Jesting-Controlling Device of Rheology Curve of Semi-Solid

  16. 介绍了仪器中这部分的程序设计和流变曲线的绘制及仪器结构。

    It also introduces the program design , the theologic curve drawing and the structure of the instrument .

  17. 根据测试的模料流变曲线,分析了影响模料流变性能的因素;

    According to the measured theological curves of wax , the factors which influence wax rheology have been analyzed .

  18. 对于不同的口模入口角,有不同的剪切速率与剪切应力的规律,流变曲线各自不同。

    The relationships of shear rate vs. shear stress and the rheology curves were different with different entrance conical angles .

  19. 根据流变曲线确定流型并讨论温度对流变参数的影响。

    Flow type of mangguo jam is determined on its flow curve and the effect of temperature to rheological parameters is discussed .

  20. 用人造岩芯进行了岩芯剪切实验,测试了剪切后的聚合物溶液各自的流变曲线并进行了对比分析。

    Man-made cores are used to test core-shearing , rheology cures of sheared polymer solutions are tested and rheology properties analyzed by comparison .

  21. 但在中高应变速率下,流变曲线的变化更为急剧,且变形前期流变曲线出现了明显的应力波动现象。

    But at medium-high strain rates , the change of the flow curves was sharper and the flow curves fluctuated at the early stages .

  22. 文中列举了中外学者描述低温原油流变曲线的4个模式。

    Here in the article are briefly dealt 4 modes frequently used by scholars both at home and abroad to describe LY crude oil rheologic curve .

  23. 研究结果表明,除了合成龙胶,其余几种糊料与天然染料相容性很好,流变曲线几乎不变。

    The research result showed that except synthetic gum tragacanth , the rest several pastes ' compatibility with natural dyes were very good , fluid curve virtually unchanged .

  24. 采用R/S-SST流变仪测定了不同配方的碱激发碳酸盐矿-矿渣复合灌浆材料浆液静置不同时间的流变曲线。

    The rheological curves showing the properties of alkali-activated carbonatite-slag grouting material ( AACSGM ) pastes with different formulae and different testing times by the R / S-SST rheological meter .

  25. 在350℃变形时,流变曲线在高应变速率下呈加工硬化型,在低应变速率下呈动态回复型,没有新相生成。

    When deformed at 350 ℃, the flow stress curve appeared the type of work hardening for high strain rate , and type of dynamic recovery for low strain rate .

  26. 在高应变速率时,流变曲线呈动态回复型;低应变速率时,呈动态再结晶特点。

    At high strain rate , the flow stress curve appeared the type of dynamic recovery ; at low strain rate , the flow stress curve appeared the type of dynamic recrystallization .

  27. 运用正交实验方法确定最佳共混条件,将稻草含量不同的天然稻草,醚化稻草在不同的共混温度,共混转速下分别与聚乙烯共混,并对其流变曲线进行分析。

    The orthogonal design was used to determine the optimum blending conditions . Polyethylene blended with both rice straw and etherified rice straw with different contents at different temperature and rotating speed . The rheological curves of blending were gained .

  28. 对其240℃下τ~γ流变曲线、240℃下熔体表观黏度与组成和剪切速率的关系及熔体表观黏度与加工温度的关系作了概述。

    To its 240 ℃ under tau ~ gamma flow curve , 240 ℃ under melt the body surface view viscosity with to compose and the shear rate relations and the melt body surface view viscosity and the processing temperature relations have made the outline .

  29. 且通过流变曲线拟合,得出矿化度对聚合物溶液流变性影响表现为,矿化度越高,幂律指数越大,稠度系数越小。

    And the effect of salinity on the rheological characteristics of polymer solution was researched . Through matching rheological curve , the rheology parameters are calculated , the higher the salinity is , the smaller the consistency coefficient is , and the bigger the power law index is .

  30. 采用阻尼最小二乘法根据流变试验曲线对模型进行了参数识别。

    The model parameters are identified successfully through the damped least square method according to the creep test curves .