
  • 网络Basin management organization;river conservancy commission
  1. 通过分析认为流域管理机构应当成为流域管理的主体。

    Management agencies should be the subject for river basins management .

  2. 论流域管理机构的法律地位及其职能

    On Legal Status and Functions of Managing Institutes in River Valley

  3. 论流域管理机构在节水型社会建设中的作用

    Roles of river basin authorities in establishment of water-saving society

  4. 为流域管理机构立法

    Legislating for the Valley Authority

  5. 国外流域管理机构与法规述评

    Watershed Management in Foreign Countries

  6. 其准流域管理机构的主要职能,就是对都江堰灌区的涉水事务实行统一管理。

    The main function of quasi-basin management unit is to carry out unified management of water affairs in the Dujiangyan Irrigation District .

  7. 只有将流域管理机构和协调流域内部利益紧密结合起来,才是流域可持续发展的关键。

    It is the key to the sustainable development of drainage area that interests in drainage area is harmonized by the drainage area management institution .

  8. 根据《水法》赋予流域管理机构的职责,对相关的几个问题进行了分析,并提出了相关的措施与建议。

    According to the obligations granted by Water Law to government departments of valleys , several relative issues are analyzed , some measures and proposals are put forward .

  9. 应用博弈论方法,以流域管理机构征收水资源税为背景,研究了流域水资源开发利用冲突问题。

    Against the background of the institution of river basin management levies water resources tax , the paper applies game theory to research the conflict in the basin water resources development .

  10. 国家确定的重要江河的规划治导线由流域管理机构拟定,报国务院水行政主管部门批准。

    Planned realigning and leading lines for major rivers designated by the state shall be worked out by river basin administrative agencies and submitted to the water conservancy administrative department under the State Council for approval .

  11. 水资源管理政策不当、流域管理机构缺乏权威、地方保护主义、不合理的水价,导致水资源分配、管理的市场失效和政府失效。

    Grade water resource management turns into disperse management , the lack of management authority in valley management mechanisms , narrow regional economy protectionism and the irrational water price have led to inefficiencies in market and states .

  12. 建议建立健全具有权威性和独立性的科学的流域管理机构体系,强化流域水资源的宏观管理,弱化微观管理,增强服务功能。

    The author of the thesis process that an authoritative exclusive and scientific institution for water basin control be established , a macro management mechanism for water basin control be strengthened while weakening micro-management and consequently solidifies service function .

  13. 2002年《水法》确立了水资源流域管理制度,设立了流域管理机构。

    The Water Law set in 2002 witnesses the establishment of the management regulations of water resources basin and of managerial institutions for water resources basin .

  14. 第二部分,是黄河流域水务管理概述,从黄河流域管理机构变迁、管理职能的角度,展现了黄河流域水务管理的总体现状。

    The second part is the basic state of water management in Yellow River Basin , from the the Yellow River river basin management organization change , management functions , showing the the Yellow River basin water management of the overall situation .

  15. 通过分析海河流域面临的水资源形势、节水型社会建设过程中存在的问题,指出了流域管理机构在节水型社会建设中应开展的主要工作,以促进流域节水型社会的建设。

    Main working scope of Hai river basins is recommended for the establishment of water-saving society , basing on analysis of water conditions of the river basin and issues faced in the establishment of water-saving society .

  16. 流域管理在欧美开展的比较成熟,成立了各种形式的流域管理委员会及跨国的流域管理机构;

    Valley management grown up comparatively in occident , set up valley management committee and international valley management institution .

  17. 流域生态补偿法律制度的框架包括补偿主体与受偿主体、补偿资金的筹集、流域生态补偿管理机构以及补偿资金的支付等内容。

    The establishment of basin ecological compensation is the principal means to resolve the conflicts , which involves compensating and compensated subjects , compensation funds raising , management agencies and compensation funds payment .