
  • 网络jining city
  1. 基于RS和GIS的济宁市城区扩展动态变化研究

    Research on Dynamic Change of Jining City Expansion Based on RS and GIS

  2. 济宁市城区GPS控制网的建立及精度分析

    On Construction and Precision Analysis of GPS Control Network of the City Proper of Jining City

  3. 济宁市成年人BMI与身体机能、素质关系的研究

    Research on the Relationship between BMI and Physical Function and Capability Index of Adults in Jining

  4. 方法使用精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)对济宁市城乡796名中小学教师的心理健康状况进行调查。

    Methods 796 teachers in countryside and in city were investigated by SCL - 90 and the data were studied .

  5. [方法]2003年,选取济宁市城乡部分初中学校,采用90项症状核查表(SCL-90),对280名教师进行调查。

    [ Methods ] Symptom check list ( SCL90 ) questionnaire was used to analyzed 280 teachers of middle school in town and countryside of Jining city .

  6. 以职业能力为核心构建高职学生素质教育体系济宁市成年人BMI与身体机能、素质关系的研究

    Building Competence Educational System of Higher Vocational Students with Professional Ability as Core Research on the Relationship between BMI and Physical Function and Capability Index of Adults in Jining

  7. [方法]应用心理健康测查表(PHI)对济宁市2003年、2004年度1066名入伍应征男青年的心理健康状况进行评价。

    [ Methods ] 1 0 66 male candidates in 2003 and 2004 , were scored by Psychological Health Inventor y ( PHI ) .

  8. 本文的任务是对济宁市科技管理局长期积累的大量科技管理数据建立数据仓库,并对其进行OLAP设计。

    The task of this paper is to create a data warehouse based on the management data gathered by Jining City Science and Technology Management Bureau for a long time , and made a design according to OLAP .

  9. 结果表明:济宁市城区地面沉降明显,相对于1992年最大沉降量为147mm,沉降量大于60mm的面积已达80km2。

    It is clear that its urban subsidence has been subsiding for past ten years , maximum subsidence value is 147 mm , and the area , that is subsidence value > 60 mm , has reached 80 km 2 .

  10. 2003年被济宁市评为先进农业龙头企业。

    Be chosen as advanced agriculture leading enterprises by Jining in2003 .

  11. 济宁市位于山东省西南部,肺结核病发病率居于法定管理传染病首位。

    TB has the highest incidence of infectious diseases in Jining .

  12. 2005年济宁市部分化妆品卫生现状调查

    Survey on Hygienic State of Cosmetics of Ji'ning City in 2005

  13. 济宁市第一人民医院绩效支付体系效果评价

    The Evaluation of the Performance Payment System of Ji'ning First Hospital

  14. 直挂云帆济沧海&济宁市物资再生利用总公司发展纪实

    A True Record of Jining Materials Recycling Company 's Development

  15. 济宁市地下水利用与管理研究

    Study of usage and management of ground water in Jining

  16. 山东省济宁市居民碘营养状况抽样调查

    Investigation on iodine-nutritional status of Jining inhabitants in Shandong province

  17. 济宁市1999-2000年麻疹实验室监测结果分析

    Analysis of laboratory surveillance on measles in Jining during 1999 to 2000

  18. 济宁市城区环境综合整治研究

    A study on the comprehensive management OE urban environment in Jining City

  19. 济宁市双生子心理行为发育状况及遗传度分析

    Psychological and behavioral development and heritability in twins in Ji'ning

  20. 第四部分:济宁市乡土地理课程资源的开发建议。

    Part ⅳ: Jining City , local geography curriculum resource development proposals .

  21. 浅谈济宁市煤炭资源型城市的可持续发展

    Study on Continuous Developement of Coal Resource Type City as Jining City

  22. 济宁市区域综合开发与区域可持续发展

    Regional Comprehensive Development and Regional Sustaining Development in Jining City

  23. 济宁市2007年城乡居民死亡状况的研究

    Research on the Death of Jining Urban and Rural Residents in 2007

  24. 济宁市可持续建筑及其环境法律制度研究

    Study on Sustainable Building and Its Environmental Legal System in Jining City

  25. 当前,济宁市产业集聚已经有了一定的规模和基础。

    Nowadays , the industry cluster in Jining has reached certain extent .

  26. 济宁市1986&1997年鼠密度监测报告

    Monitor Report of Rodent Population Density in Jining From 1986 to 1997

  27. 济宁市地下水库特征参数分析

    Characteristic parameters analysis of groundwater reservoir in Jining city , Shandong province

  28. 济宁市进出口(集团)总公司

    Jining Import & export ( group ) head Corporation

  29. 济宁市地面沉降影响因素及防治对策探讨

    Discussion on Affecting Factor and Prevention Measures of Land Subsidence in lining City

  30. 济宁市任城区新型农村合作化医疗建立前后村卫生室消毒质量调查

    Effect of New Cooperative Medical System Establishment on Routine Disinfection in Rural Area