
  • 网络Department of Health of Zhejiang Province
  1. 浙江省卫生厅周三发布通报,该省确诊2例人感染H7N9禽流感病例,其中1名患者已于上周死亡。

    Two more cases of H7N9 bird flu virus have been detected in Zhejiang province , including a man who died last week , authorities said on Wednesday .

  2. 浙江省卫生厅妇幼处对5所市地级妇幼保健院、6所市地级综合医院、11所县级综合性医院、11所乡镇卫生院进行了产科质量检查。

    The obstetrical quality has been checked in 5 MCH institutes , 6 hospitals in town , 11 hospitals in county and 11 hospitals in village .

  3. 据浙江省卫生厅消息,洪某是3月7日在邻省江苏省工作时感染上病毒的,随后于3月18日返回了浙江省的家中。

    Hong was infected on March 7 while working in neighboring Jiangsu province . He returned home on March 18 , according to the Zhejiang health department .