
  1. 《词综》是浙西词派的旗帜。

    Cizong was the banner of Zhexi Ci shool .

  2. 浙西词派历百年之盛,至乾隆后期,已衰象迭现。

    Western Zhejiang Ci Sheng Li centuries , to the late Qianlong , as Diego is already bad .

  3. 这进一步提高了《词综》的地位,壮大了浙西词派的声势,也影响了词籍整理的模式和选本传播的格局。

    All these helped further strengthen the position of Ci Zong and enhance the reputation of West Zhejiang School of Ci Poetry .

  4. 《词综》与《乐府补题》的关系&兼论浙西词派咏物词的演变

    On the Relationship between Ci Zong and Yue Fu Bu Ti & Evolution of Landscape Poems by the Western Zhejiang School of Ci Poetry

  5. 浙西词派是清代词坛绵延时间最长,影响最大的一个词派。

    The Ci school of western Zhe Province lasted in the poetry world of Qing Dynasty for the longest time and had the greatest effect .

  6. 清词流派的地域特征显著,云间派、阳羡派、常州词派均聚集于江苏,浙西词派则以浙江为活动中心,同宋代相比,清词更突出地向江浙集中;

    Schools of Qing Ci poem bear more regional features , concentrate on Jiangsu & Zhejiang area eminently when comparing with situation of Song Dynasty ;

  7. 无论是词学理论还是词学创作,都体现出一种悄然走向浙西词派的动向。

    Either in the theory of Ci poetry or in the composition of Ci poems , these poets demonstrated a tendency to approach quietly toward the Ci school of Western Zhejiang .

  8. 广泛交接于清廷官员与词坛佼佼者之间,他经历了阳羡词派由盛到衰的过程,目睹了京华词苑的短暂繁荣,同时又真正加入了浙西词派的创作。

    He contacted with Qing government officials and leaders of Ci widely , he experienced the process of Yangxian Ci from prosperous to decay , witnessed the short glory of Jinghua Ci court , and joined the creation of School of Zhexi Ci poet at the same time .