
  1. 其他东亚团伙如中国的三合会(Triads)等,罪犯大多数是由家庭关系维系在一起,组织较为松散。而极道则有“精心设立的阶层”,成员一旦入伙,就必须抛弃其他效忠对象,一心一意忠于极道。

    While other East Asian gangs like Chinese Triads , which are a loose conglomeration of criminals bonded together mostly by familial relations , Yakuza are bound together by " elaborate hierarchies , " and members , once initiated , must subvert all other allegiances in favor of the Yakuza .

  2. 目前,全国已经建设的有一定基础的影视城将近半百座,但形成区域文化旅游增长极的则为数不多。

    At present , the country has built the world studios nearly a half of hundred that have a certain foundation , however it is not so many that can grow up to be a regional culture tourism develop pole .

  3. 高语境文化&低语境文化高语境文化传播的绝大部分信息或存于物质语境中,或内化在个人身上,而极少数则处在清晰,被传递的编码讯息中。

    High-context-Low Context A high-context communication or message is one in which most of the information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person , while very little is in the coded , explicit , transmitted part of the message .

  4. 若非竞争性投标量较小,但竞争性投标者较少,且市场利率上升趋势极强,则同样是混合式拍卖收入最大,反之则荷兰式拍卖收入最大。

    When noncompetitive demand is weak , the number of competitive bidder is small and market interest rate tends to rise strongly , Spanish auction can provide the maximum revenue , otherwise Uniform-price auction can do .

  5. 尽管温室气体在持续的增加中,研究显示反光微粒能防止温室气体,造成全球气温的升高。与此同时,预计到热带地区气温会微降,南北极的气温则会微升。

    In particular , they suggest that particles in the stratosphere can indeed stop rising levels of greenhouse gases raising the overall global temperature , though in doing so they slightly cool the tropics while the poles warm a bit .

  6. 但对极不均匀数据则退化成低效的O(N2)插入排序。

    It sorts uniform data efficiently within O ( N ) time but degrades to the inefficient O ( N 2 ) insertion sort when handling extremely-nonuniform data .

  7. 当然,如何实现这些涉及面极宽的目标则是另一回事。

    Of course , implementing those wide-reaching goals is another story .

  8. 当我们极谦卑时,则接近于伟大。

    We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility .

  9. 城市女性居民上升趋势也极显著,男性则不显著。

    The increasing tendency in urban female was very significant , but urban male was not .

  10. 若硅烷中带有极性基团,则处理后玻纤的表面能较高;

    If the silane has polar function group , the surface free energy of treated glass fibers is high .

  11. 在电路回路中如不清楚或不明确线路的极性时,则建议使用无极性电解容器。

    If unclear or unknown of polarity of circuit indication . Non polar capacitor is recommended to be used .

  12. 而一等三角锁系的图形条件和极条件常数项则不受旁折光影响。

    The side-refraction doesn 't affect the absolute terms of the figure conditions and pole conditions of first-class triangulation chains .

  13. 例如,若一位艺术家的作品在市场上极被追捧,则他的学生作品也很可能表现不俗。

    If an artist , for instance , is trained by a teacher whose work has been highly sought after , chances are the pupils'work will be too .

  14. 如果两极是同种极,这力是斥力;如果是异种极,则是引力。

    If the poles are alike the force is a repulsion ; if unlike , the force is an attraction .

  15. 佩鲁提出的增长极理论告诉我们,一个区域内如果有增长极的话,则会带动本区域经济的较快发展;否则,本区域的经济发展就会相对滞后。

    The pole theory perutz proposed tells us if there is a regional growth pole , the development of regional economy will be increased quickly . Otherwise , the regional economic development will be relatively lag behind .

  16. 冬季的极涡中心基本位于极心附近偏北的位置,而夏季极涡中心则明显移向西半球。

    In winter the center of the polar vortex locates about the north of pole , but in summer it shifts to the western hemisphere .

  17. 杨木和杉木木材经过不同温度处理后,其总表面自由能和非极性表面自由能都随着处理温度的升高而下降,而极性自由能则有不同程度的升高。

    The total surface free energy and dispersive surface free energy of Poplar and Chinese Fir decreased with the temperature increasing of treatment resulted from the comprehensive effect of the change of hydroxide and the de-hydroxide of the wood surface .