
  • 网络polar circle
  1. 老头子的眼已瞪得极圆。鞋匠吃惊地瞪大双眼。

    The old man was glaring , round-eyed . The shoemaker 's eyes widened in shock .

  2. 75%硅铁电炉极心圆直径与电气参数的关系

    The relationship between electrode circle diameter and electrical parameters in 75 % FeSi furnace

  3. 运动学涡度、极摩尔圆及其在一般剪切带定量分析中的应用

    Kinematic vorticity , polar Mohr circle and thier application in quantitative analysis of general shear zones

  4. 提高矿热炉极心圆功率密度和电极电流密度的探讨

    Approach to increase power density of pitch circle and electrode current density for a electric smelting furnace

  5. 极摩尔圆同时适用于共轴和非共轴变形,是应变分析的一种有利工具,并特别适用于从应变测量数据求取运动学涡度;

    The polar Mohr diagram is suitable for both coaxial and non coaxial deformation and , therefore , is a powerful tool for strain analysis .

  6. 在给定期望产品质量参数的前提下,通过对单位电耗进行极小化确定极心圆直径的初始值。

    On the premise of given expectation parmeters of production quality , the initial value of ECD is determined via minimum disposal of specific power consumption . 2 .

  7. 电弧炉的主要参数有变压器的设计容量、长期允许过载容量、常用二次侧电压、炉膛设计参数、极心圆设计参数等。

    The main parameters of electric arc furnaces were transformer design capacity , long-term allow overload capacity , common secondary side voltage , the design of furnace parameters and design parameters .

  8. 电熔镁炉的工艺参数中极心圆直径是确定三相交流电极位置的重要参数,并直接影响着熔炼质量与单位电耗等工艺指标。

    Among the technological parameters , Electrode Circle Diameter ( ECD ) is an important parameter to determine the position of the three-phase AC electrode and affects on the quality of production and power consumption directly .

  9. 介绍了矿热炉极心圆功率密度的表示公式和电极载流能力的理论公式及经验公式,对提高极心圆功率密度和电极电流密度进行了探讨。

    The express formula for power density of pitch circle and theoretic and empiric formula of electrode current earring capacity on electric smelting furnace are introduced . A approach to increase pitch circle power density and electrode current density are carried out .

  10. 一种改进的极坐标波数域圆迹SAR三维成像算法

    An Improved CSAR 3-D Imaging Algorithm in Polar Wavenumber Domain

  11. 双站合成孔径雷达成像波数域解决方案一种改进的极坐标波数域圆迹SAR三维成像算法

    Wave Number Domain Solution for Image Formation of Bistatic SAR ; An Improved CSAR 3-D Imaging Algorithm in Polar Wavenumber Domain

  12. 极正交各向异性圆薄膜大挠度问题

    The Problem of Large Deflections of Rotationally Orthotropic Circular Membranes