
  • 网络the day after;The Dai After;Post Apocalyptic;holocaust and after
  1. 在瓦雷利亚末日浩劫后虎党的统治长达一世纪。

    The tigers held sway for almost a century after the Doom of Valyria .

  2. 浩劫后的世界里,有许多荒野秘境等你来探索。

    There 's still a lot more wasteland out there that has yet to be explored .

  3. 《火与血》发生在《权游》所处年代的三百年前,讲述瓦雷利亚的末日浩劫后坦格利安家族的故事。

    It takes place 300 years before the events of the current Game of Thrones , and chronicles events around House Targaryen following the Doom of Valyria .

  4. 同样地,在公元前102年瓦雷利亚末日浩劫后,九座自由之城之间也开始了长达数个世纪的大大小小的战争。

    As such , they have been locked in near constant warfare with each other in some shape or form for centuries after the Doom of Valyria in 102BC .

  5. 这场文明浩劫发生后,一些被盗文物开始在西方的古董市场和伊拉克的黑市重现。

    Soon after this cultural rape , some of the stolen art objects began to appear in Western antique markets , as well as in the black markets in Iraq .