
  • 网络House;House music
  1. 用一种脉络贯穿着所有的东西,从disco到浩室音乐,从浩室到电子乐。

    There is a thread that runs through everything , from disco to house music or from house music to techno .

  2. “浩室音乐之父”法兰基·纳克鲁斯去世,享年59岁。

    The godfather of house music has died . Frankie Knuckles was 59 years old .

  3. 2012年10月,史密斯为英国浩室音乐组合Disclosure的成名单曲《Latch》献声,成为他音乐生涯的新突破。

    In October 2012 , he was featured on British house duo Disclosure 's breakthrough single Latch , which also became Smith 's breakthrough .

  4. 实际上,一些人认为浩室音乐这种电子舞曲是以“仓库”俱乐部命名的。

    In fact , some people say the style of electronic dancing music -- house takes its name from the Warehouse .

  5. 绝对浩室数字音乐俱乐部把努力的重点便聚焦在了音乐和文化的包装之上。

    Absolute House Digital Music Club makes its endeavor towards the packing of the music and culture .