
línɡ ɡē
  • a spiritual
  1. 这个乐队演奏灵歌和福音音乐的变奏曲。

    The group perform variations on soul and gospel music .

  2. 柯里主教沿袭黑人牧师的伟大传统,做了一场轻松、即兴的布道,开始时像是令人费解漫长演讲,后来逐渐变成情绪高昂的大喊,中间多次提到马丁·路德·金(MartinLutherKing)的名字,还引用了美国黑奴的灵歌。

    Bishop Curry , in the great tradition of black preachers , delivered a loose , improvisational sermon that began as a meandering discourse but built to a passionate , shouting climax , name-checking Martin Luther King Jr. and slave spirituals along the way .

  3. 在他主持的节奏布鲁斯、灵歌和方克舞等极富感染力的节目里,他还加入了“toasting”(对群众说话)和“dubtalk”(跟着拍子有节奏地讲话)等牙买加风俗节目。

    To his infectious4 playlist of R & B , soul , and funk he added the Jamaican customs of " toasting " ( talking to the crowd ) and " dub talk " ( speaking rhythmically over a beat ) .

  4. 这首歌颂扬了最好的黑人爵士灵歌传统。

    The song doffs its hat to the best soul traditions .

  5. 乡土音色如爵士乐或爵士灵歌中朴实无华的音色。

    An earthy quality appreciated in music such as jazz or soul .

  6. 我认为灵歌是真正的东西。

    Now I think soul music is really the thing .

  7. 我听爵士和灵歌。

    So I 'm listening to Jazz and soul music .

  8. 当用诗章,颂词,灵歌,彼此对说。

    Speak to one another with psalms , hymns and spiritual songs .

  9. 他们创作了优美的黑人灵歌??现已成为美国音乐永恒的部分。

    They composed lovely spirituals which have become a permanent part of American music .

  10. 由波士顿流行乐团担任伴奏,由坦格伍德音乐节合唱团歌手们演唱的传统灵歌,《深深的河》。

    And the Tanglewood Festival Chorus singers in the traditional spiritual , Deep River .

  11. 灵歌通常是对黑人尊严的确认,是黑人尊严的宣亩。

    Soul music is often an affirmation of and a manifesto for , black dignity .

  12. 对黑人灵歌歌词的文体分析

    A Stylistic Analysis of Black Spiritual Lyrics

  13. 爵士乐、布鲁斯乐、爵士灵歌以及说唱乐都源自于非裔美国人的文化。

    Jazz , blues , soul , and rap have all originated from African-American culture .

  14. 我的根是灵歌。

    My roots are soul music .

  15. 在“善待动物组织”看来,如果说到穿皮草,阿莉莎•富兰克林可不是什么灵歌天后。

    PETA thinks Aretha Franklin is no queen of soul when it comes to wearing fur .

  16. 在第三种情况之下,你会杀掉艾塞儿沃特斯,最伟大的黑人灵歌歌手。

    In the third case , you have killed Ethel Waters , the great black gospel singer .

  17. 这被形容成为一种溶合了爵士乐和灵歌风格的新舞蹈音乐。

    It 's described as a new kind of dance music which straddles both jazz and soul styles .

  18. 因此,对美国黑人灵歌歌词的文体分析不仅具有学术意义而且具有人文价值。

    As a result , this stylistic analysis has an academic significance and an anthropological value as well .

  19. 布鲁斯、灵歌和黑人民谣在小说中交相辉映,诠释了非洲传统音乐对黑人精神生活的巨大作用;

    With recurrence of Blues , souls and Black ballads , she reveals the great significance of traditional African music to Blacks'spiritual life .

  20. 当他们成为基督教徒时,他们创作了优美的黑人灵歌&现已成为美国音乐永恒的一部分。

    And as the people were converted to Christianity , they composed lovely spirituals which have become a permanent part of American music .

  21. 像「无人知道我的困难」这样的黑人灵歌,反映出苦难中对上帝的盼望。

    Negro spirituals , such as " nobody knows the trouble I ve seen , " reflect hope in God in the midst of suffering .

  22. 弗五19用诗章、颂辞、灵歌,彼此对说,从心中向主歌唱、颂咏。

    Eph . 5:19 Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs , singing and psalming with your heart to the Lord .

  23. 因此,这一分析模式有助于我们加深对文本的理解,而且具有广阔的发展前景。本文尝试应用新的文体学理论对黑人灵歌的歌词进行文体分析,从而探索黑人灵歌歌词的文体特征。

    This thesis attempts a stylistic analysis on the lyrics of black spirituals with the new model on the purpose of exploring the stylistic features of the spirituals lyrics .

  24. 美国黑人灵歌作为美国黑人音乐与宗教的集中体现,是非洲黑人音乐文化在美国社会文化环境影响下的产物。

    American Black 's coronach is the symbol of American Black 's music and religion , which is the product of Africa music culture affected by American social and cultural environment .

  25. 它把来自黑人劳动歌曲、黑人灵歌和布鲁斯的主旋律结合在一起,编排出一种欢快节拍,再由乐师们在演奏时即兴发挥(像行进中的送葬乐队那样)。

    It combined themes from Negro word songs , spirituals and blues , set to a fast beat , with the musicians improvising as they went along , like the funeral marching bands .

  26. 本文对黑人灵歌歌词的文体分析可以检验新的文体分析模式的可行性,并有助于了解美国黑人历史和文化特点。

    Thus stylistic analysis on the spirituals lyrics is an approach to test the feasibility of the new model and it will be helpful for us to understand the black history and culture .

  27. 排行榜上最年轻的女富豪是灵歌歌手乔斯·斯通,这位19岁的歌手目前只发行了两张专辑,但她的个人财产已达到约600万英镑。

    The youngest woman on the list is soul singer Joss Stone . The 19 year-old singer has only released two albums so far but has collected an estimated fortune of 6 million .

  28. 西三16当用各样的智慧,让基督的话丰丰富富地住在你们里面,用诗章、颂辞、灵歌,彼此教导,互相劝戒,心被恩感歌颂神;

    Col.3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom , teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs , singing with grace in your hearts to God .

  29. 在城市里,收音机能调出各种流派的音乐:流行乐、硬摇滚、软摇滚/成人现代、灵歌/节奏与布鲁斯、说唱/嘻哈、乡村、爵士、蓝调,甚至还有古典音乐;

    In cities , a survey of radio stations yields music of every kind : pop , hard rock , soft rock / adult contemporary , soul / rhythm and blues , rap / hip-hop , country , jazz , blues , and even classical .