
  • 网络Floating-rate securities
  1. 逆向浮动利率证券的存续期通常比其期限要长。

    The duration of an inverse floater is longer than its maturity .

  2. 重新设定浮动利率证券的利息率的日期。

    Any date on which the floating rate payable on a floater is reset .

  3. 因此,逆向浮动利率证券的存续期就大于其基础的固定利率债券的存续期。

    Hence , the duration of the inverse floater exceeds the duration of the underlying fixed-rate bond .

  4. 浮动利率证券的存续期很短,只等于到下一个息票率调整日的间隔。

    The duration of a floater is quite short , equal to the time until the next coupon reset date .

  5. 基于跳跃-扩散利率模型的浮动利率抵押贷款支持证券定价研究

    A Study on Pricing for Adjusted Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities Based on Jump-Diffusion Interest Rate Model