
fú mǎ tou
  • pontoon;floating pier
  1. 船舶撞击浮码头的动力计算方法

    A Dynamical Analysis of Floating Pier Impacted By Barge

  2. 将浮码头改造为固定码头;

    Innovate the floating pier to fixed wharf ;

  3. 浮码头非线性撞击问题的样条加残配点法利用B样条配点法求解。

    The solution of nonlinear percussion problems for pontoon pier by using S-WRM ( C ) method The solution is obtained by B spline collocation technique .

  4. 斜坡码头及浮码头设计与施工规范码头交货目的港码头交货

    Code for design and construction of sloping wharves and floating wharves

  5. 各自拥有浮码头的度假旅馆。

    Holiday houses , each with its own landing stage .

  6. 浮码头撑杆力的计算

    Calculation of Force on Bracing Pole of Floating Ponton Wharf

  7. 在一系列浮码头上临时建的浮桥。

    A temporary bridge built over a series of pontoons .

  8. 古镇港建成抗台风大浪浮码头

    A Floating Wharf to Resist Typhoon and High Sea Built in Guzhen Port

  9. 开敞海域大型钢筋混凝土浮码头的研究和应用

    The study and application of Large Floating Wharf in the open sea area

  10. 浮码头囤船固定新方法

    New Method of Pontoon Fixing A Leaf Boat

  11. 极值波浪作用下大型浮码头振动与极限强度分析

    Analysis of the Vibration and Extreme Strength of Very Large Pontoon Under Extreme Wave Loads

  12. 研究的锚型和推荐的公式可用于浮码头、单点系泊系统等非临时性浮式设施的水下锚体设计。

    The formula can be applied in the design of non-temporary floating facility such as floating .

  13. 计算表明,本方法可用于大型浮码头动力响应预报及极限强度分析。

    It is shown that the method can be employed in the prediction of dynamics response and analysis of extreme strength of VLP .

  14. 本保险承保保险船舶进出本保险明确规定的界限内的湿坞、干坞、港湾、船排承架和浮码头。

    The Vessel has leave to proceed to and from any wet or dry docks harbours ways cradles and pontoons , within the limits specified in this insurance .

  15. 该试验测取的锚链动力值已用于某浮码头的设计,对其它浮码头工程的研究与设计也有应用价值。

    The data of this testing has been used to design some floating piers . Therefore , it is also of practical value fot the study and design of other floating Piers .

  16. 在这些浮码头边上,停泊着各种吨位的快帆船,不同国籍的轮船以及那些专门在萨克拉门托河和它的支流航行的有几层甲板的汽艇。

    Alongside them were clippers of all sizes , steamers of all nationalities , and the steamboats , with several decks rising one above the other , which ply on the Sacramento and its tributaries .

  17. 在浮码头撑杆末端安装吸能装置,可以改善囤船的运动条件和减少撑墩上的作用力。

    In order to improve the conditions on movement of ponton and decrease the active force of bracing block , an energy absorber was installed at the end of bracing pole of floating ponton wharf .

  18. 将大型浮码头简化为梁模型,考虑规则波和非规则波,研究了其动力响应及可靠性指标计算方法。

    Simplifying a very large pontoon ( VLP ) to a beam model and considering the action of regular and irregular waves , we studied the calculation methods of dynamical response and reliability index of VLP .

  19. 随着我国航运事业的发展和船舶吨位的增加,浮码头需要向大型化、深水区建设。

    Along with the development of the navigation of our country and the increasing of the tonnage of the ships , it is necessary to develope the floating wharf to a large size and to be used in deep water area .

  20. 介绍长江中浮式码头钢引桥安装的新方法&顶升法,并对其与吊装法进行了技术分析和经济比较。

    A new installation method for steel approach bridge of the floating pier on the Changjiang River & jacking method is introduced and technological analysis and economic comparison are conducted with comparison to hoisting method .

  21. 运用系泊浮体在波浪中的动力响应等理论,并采用有限元、边界元等方法,对用特种舟桥器材架设的浮码头、浮栈结构进行了初步计算分析。

    The floating wharf and floating landing apron bearing the special type pontoon are primarily calculated and analyzed with the theory of moored floating body responding to wave and the methods of finite element and boundary element .

  22. 摘要介绍双桩浮式消能设施的结构型式及特点,船舶靠泊吸能原理、适用范围以及设计要点等,可供大吨位浮码头的设计借鉴。

    This paper describes the structural type and characteristics of double-pile floating energy dissipating installation , principle of energy absorption during vessel 's berthing , scope of adaptability and main points of design , which may serve as a reference for design of large-tonnage floating wharves .