
  • 网络customs inspection
  1. 以上不包含仓储费,海关查验费或者其他特别运送要求所导致的费用。

    The above does not include storge , special customs inspection or special delivery requirements .

  2. 1.billofentry报关单(进出口货物清单、报海关查验)他们正在为海关准备报关单。

    They are preparing a bill of entry for customs .

  3. 论海关查验风险管理机制的构建

    Establish the Customs Risk Management Mechanism

  4. 用于海关查验的固定式集装箱检查系统工作站,首批建设在我国10个主要海运口岸。

    The first batch of steady stations of container inspection systems for customs will be built in ten major marine ports in China .

  5. 海关查验率是指在一定的时间段内,某海关进行查验的报关单据量占在这个时间段中总的报关单据的百分比。

    Customs Check Ratio refers to a percentage of the quantity under the Customs check in the total declaration documents within the corresponding period .

  6. 第三十条国际邮递物品未经海关查验放行,邮政企业不得寄递。

    Article 30 . Postal enterprises shall not post or deliver international postal articles that are not examined and allowed to pass by the Customs .

  7. 海关查验行李物品时,物品所有人应当到场并负责搬移物品,开拆和重封物品的包装。

    The owners of the luggages and articles shall be present forpresent and movingresponsible for moving the articles as well as opening and repacking of the package of the articles thereof when the samethe articles are inspected by the customs .

  8. 首先很高兴能为贵司服务,但是由于受市场原料的上涨,退税的取消,海关查验费等因素使我们与贵司的01,02订单都是亏本做的。

    We are glad to serve your company , however , we will lose money if we make the deal with you by order01and02 , due to the increase of the raw material in the domestic market , the cancellation of fund , and charge of custom inspection .

  9. 但药品要接受海关的查验,由此产生延迟。

    Delays may be expected due to customs inspection .

  10. 海关在查验过境货物时,经营人或承运人应当到场,按照海关的要求负责搬移货物,开拆和重封货物的包装,并在海关查验记录上签字。

    When the customs are inspecting transit goods , an operator or carrier shall be present and responsible for moving the goods , opening and restoring the package and sign the inspection record of the customs .

  11. 所有出境旅客现在通过海关及证照查验关。

    All departing passengers are requested to proceed to the customs and immigration now .

  12. 按照销售税征收条款和/或货物税各项规定,交由税收专员和/或海关总审计员查验。

    To the Commissioner of Taxation and / or the Comptroller General of Customs under the Sales Tax Assessment Regulations and / or the Customs Regulations and / or the Excise Regulations .

  13. 口岸设有边防检查站,海关及其他查验单位人员在口岸开关期间由阿勒泰地区有关部门派出。

    There are points at the border check points , customs and other personnel in the inspection of flats in the port during the switch from the Altay region to send the relevant departments .

  14. 对海关确定需查验的货物,转出企业应当将货物运至查验场地,由海关实施查验后,再办理上述转关手续。

    For the goods the customs needs to examine , a transferring enterprise shall deliver the goods to the examination place and go through the above trans-customs procedures after the customs examines the goods .

  15. 属于国家规定需申领进(出)口许可证的货物,还应向海关递交进(出)口许可证,由海关查验。

    For those goods subject to state provisions requiring an import ( export ) licence , they shall also present the import ( export ) licence to the Customs for inspection .

  16. 进出口的货物,除因非凡原因经海关总署特准免验的以外,都应接受海关的查验。

    The goods of imports and exports , except because total office of Customs of special account classics is special accurate exempt from examinations beyond , should accept the probation of custom .