
  • 网络Coastal Mountains;Coast Range;Coast Mountain
  1. 海岸山脉被指定为自然美景保护区。

    The coastal mountain range is designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty .

  2. 即海岸山脉

    is marked by the Coast Mountains ,

  3. 今天上午,洛杉矶附近海岸山脉的最高风力达到每小时73英里。

    Wind at coastal mountains near L.A. got the highest 73 miles an hour this morning .

  4. 位于卑诗省的北方森林西部边界即海岸山脉,

    The western border of the boreal in British Columbia is marked by the Coast Mountains ,

  5. 台湾斑岩铜矿主要产在台湾省东部海岸山脉及临近的小岛上。

    Porphyry copper deposits of Taiwan occur mainly in the coast of eastern Taiwan and its adjacent islets .

  6. 朱诺冰原(juneauicefteld)是北美五大冰原之一,位于美国阿拉斯加州的海岸山脉。

    The Juneau icefield , one of the five largest Icefields in North america , is in the coastal mountains of alaska , USA.

  7. 台湾岛自东向西可划分为海岸山脉带、台东纵谷、中央山脉、西部山麓带和沿海平原带五个构造&沉积单元。

    The Taiwan Island can be divided from east to west into 5 tectono-stratigraphic units , the coastal range , East Taiwan longitudinal valley , cental range , western foothills and coastal plain .

  8. 山脉是台湾的骨架,五大山脉绵延盘据,分别为中央山脉、玉山山脉、雪山山脉、阿里山山脉与海岸山脉。

    The five main mountain ranges , which constitute Taiwan 's skeleton , stretch and expand , and they are Zhong Yang , Yu , Xue , A Li , and Hai An mountain ranges .

  9. 从雾蒙蒙的北部海岸到内华达山脉,再到洛杉矶上空的圣加布里埃尔山脉,没有一个地区能够幸免或不受影响。

    No area was spared or unaffected , from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the San Gabriels above Los Angeles .

  10. 山脉这边的河水都流向西海岸,而山脉那边的河水则流向东部海洋。

    All the rivers on this side of the mountains run down to the west coast , while the rivers on the other side run down to the eastern ocean .

  11. 在今年的一次试飞上,沿着法国西海岸在比利牛斯山脉上空4.1万英尺飞行时,最显而易见的不同就是机舱里的平静。

    On a test flight this year , cruising at 41000ft above the Pyrenees and along the west coast of France , the most noticeable difference was the quiet and calm on board .

  12. 来自太平洋的、从海岸向内陆的风遇到海岸山脉和落基山脉这些山脉屏障。

    Inland from the coast , the winds from the Pacific meet the mountain barriers of the coastal ranges and the Rocky Mountains .