
  • 网络Glaciation
  1. 全球性冰川作用与早期生命演化这二者之间是否存在着密切的联系呢?

    Are there any relations between the glaciation and early biological evolution ?

  2. 四川省汶川县四姑娘山地区冰川作用初步考察

    Preliminary Investigation on Glaciation in Siguniang Mountainous Region of Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province

  3. 高山冰川作用区局地环流和气温分析

    A Study on Local Circulation and Temperature in Alpine Glaciated Area

  4. 玄武岩喷发和冰川作用因素有关。

    The eruption of major continental flood basalts and glaciations .

  5. 冰川作用流域能水平衡的径流模拟计算

    Runoff modelling based on energy and water balance in a Glacierized Basin

  6. 桂林地区第四纪冰川作用残迹&表面构造

    The Quaternary glacial remains - epigenetic structure S-IN Guilin

  7. 覆盖着冰或者受冰川作用的影响。

    Covered with ice or affected by glacial action .

  8. 发现全球大气循环变化同冰川作用的相互影响。

    The interaction of the global atmosphere circulation change and state of glaciation was found .

  9. 关于苏联北天山全新世冰川作用的的退化问题

    Holocene Deglaciation in North Tianshan , USSR

  10. 冰川作用也可能是有益的对于超大铜矿石岩层的沉积物的形成。

    Glaciation may also be conducive for the formation of supergiant sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits .

  11. 冰川作用区的温度及其特征

    Temperature and its characteristics in glaciation area

  12. 这些山丘是冰川作用形成的。

    These hills were formed by glaciation .

  13. 在更新世冰期,古水系常被冰川作用完全改造。

    During the Pleistocene ice age , the ancient drainage systems were almost completely rearranged by glaciation .

  14. 中国东部是否存在第四纪冰川作用之争论,自从李四光1934年提出该学说以来已经持续达65年之久,迄今尚未终结。

    The argumentation of the doctrine of Quaternary glaciation from eastern China has been carried on for 65 years .

  15. 因此为探讨冰川作用、泥石流活动、重力崩塌等过程提供了一种重要的方法和技术途径。

    Therefore , it provides an important method to study glacial processes , activities of debris flow and rock collapse etc.

  16. 喜马拉雅山既是世界上最雄伟高大的山脉,也是中纬度地区冰川作用中心之一。

    Himalaya is the most magnificent mountain range , also one of glaciated areas in middle latitude of the Earth .

  17. 初步研究表明,冰洞洞体的形成,主要与该区第四纪早期冰川作用有关。

    Studies show that the formation of the ice bodies in the ice cave is related mainly to Quaternary glaciation .

  18. 在山体上升和第四纪气候变化的背景下,玉龙山产生了四次更新世冰川作用,并发育有现代冰。

    With the uplift and Quaternary climate change , the Yulong mountain engendered four plaeoglaciations and has grown modern glaciers .

  19. 在新元古代晚期地球上曾发生过全球性的冰川作用,一些学者称之为“雪球”事件。

    Global glaciations took place in the earth in Neoproterozoic , which are called the " Snowball Earth " event by some scholars .

  20. 大部河流的冰川作用等级在0.20以下,其大小取决于山谷型冰川的数量和个体规模。

    The glaciation grades in most of the rivers in the Tianshan Mountains are smaller than 0.20 and depend on the number of the valley glaciers and their sizes .

  21. 庐山东南麓第六阶地基座上,发现了早更新世冰川作用表皮构造。

    The glaciated surface structures of the early pleistocene were discovered in the autumn of 1984 , on the sixth terrace base which is located at the southeastern piedmont of Lushan .

  22. 结果表明:点苍山发育两次冰川作用,即大理冰期早期和晚期,是中国大陆发育古冰川的最南界。

    The research results are : There were two glaciations in the Cangshan Mountains , one was the Early Dali Glaciation and the other was the Late Dali Glaciation . The Cangshan Mountains are the southmost region of China where ancient glaciations had developed .

  23. 五大湖盆地都是冰挖掘出来的,如今许多现有地形都是这种大陆冰川作用的结果。高山山谷里有着冰川的遗迹。在冰川的下游,有一些冰川形成的清澈而冰冷的湖泊。

    The Great Lakes basins were excavated by the ice , and many present landforms are the result of this continental glaciation . In the high valleys , there are remains of glaciers , while below them are clear , icy lakes which the glaciers made .

  24. 大多数湖泊是由冰川的作用形成的。

    Most lakes were formed of glacial action .

  25. 沉积组构分析的方法是说明冰川沉积作用、冰成沉积物形成机理的一种有用的工具。

    The method of sedimentary fabric analysis is a useful tool in investigating the glacial sedimentation and the mechanism of glacial sediment formation .

  26. 冰川成冰作用的研究对于选择冰芯钻取点具有重要的科学意义。

    Researches in transformation of snow to ice are significant for choosing ice coring site .

  27. 随着研究的深入和发展现已形成具有中国特色的冰川成冰作用概念。

    With the development of studying on ice formation process , the conception of ice formation process with China 's features comes into being .

  28. 格陵兰冰川消退的气候作用及其可能的不可逆转性。

    Climatic impact of a Greenland deglaciation and its possible irreversibility .

  29. 天山博格达峰北坡冰川的成冰作用

    Ice Formation of the Glaciers on the Northern Slope of Bogda , Tian Shan

  30. 冰缘风沙地貌与沉积是在冰缘寒冷干旱气候环境中,伴有冰川或冻融作用影响,主要由风沙作用形成的荒漠地貌。

    The periglacial Aeolian landform and deposition is the desert physiognomy formed by the blown sand under cold and arid environment , always accompanied with the impact of glaciers and freezing and thawing .