
  • 网络submarine landslide;submarine slide
  1. 海底滑坡、浅层气、埋藏古河道等灾害地质因素对海洋工程建设有着极大的潜在危害。

    The potential harms for offshore engineering is such as submarine landslide , shallow layer gas and ancient river ways .

  2. 认为开发天然气水合物会引发一系列负面环境效应,如温室效应、海底滑坡和海洋生态平衡的破坏等。

    But it may cause a series of environmental effects , such as Greenhouse effect , submarine landslide and destroy of ecological balance of sea and so on .

  3. 同时根据研究区沉积物的力学性质、水动力条件等,采用GEO-SLOPE(加拿大GEO-SLOPELTD)软件,对海底滑坡进行定量分析。

    Based on the property of the sediment mechanics and the condition of the hydrodynamics , the submarine landslides were quantitatively analyzed facilitated by the Geo-Slope software ( GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. Canada ) .

  4. 厦门某码头附近海底滑坡分析与治理

    Analysis and Treatment for Sea Bottom Slide Near a Wharf in Xiamen

  5. 海洋沉积物中的天然气水合物与海底滑坡

    Submarine Landslide Related to Natural Gas Hydrate within Benthal Deposit

  6. 土的稳定状态理论在海底滑坡研究中的应用

    Application of soil steady-state theory on subaqueous landslide studies

  7. 本文综述与天然气水合物体系演化有关的海底滑坡的研究现状。

    Researches on submarine slides , which may be related with gas hydrate system evolution , are summarized .

  8. 论述了天然气水合物与海底滑坡、全球变暖和海底生物灭绝等地质、气象、生物灾害的关系。

    This paper discussed the relationship of gas hydrate to submarine land slide , global warming and benthos extinction .

  9. 南海北部外陆架和上陆坡海底滑坡稳定性研究

    Research for seafloor landslide stability on the outer continental shelf and the upper continental slope en the northern South China Sea

  10. 依据这一理论,将浙江东部沿海海底滑坡分为整体性滑坡和破碎性滑坡两类。

    According to soil steady-state theory , the subaqueous landslides in nearshore off Zhejiang Province are classified as nondisintegrative failures and disintegrative failures .

  11. 近年来的地质与地球物理调查发现,在大陆坡第四系中发育有大规模块体搬运体系(现今的块体搬运体系也称海底滑坡)。

    A lot of large mass transport depositions ( MTDs ) have been discovered in the Quaternary strata according to recent geological and geophysical investigation results .

  12. 从滑坡体与周围地层的叠置关系及火山弧喷发的历史来看,初步认为该海底滑坡是地震造成的。

    From the relationship between the landslide area and the surrounding stratum and the history of the volcano eruption , it is suggested that the submarine landslide is triggered by the earthquake .

  13. 虽然无法直接观测沉积物中天然气水合物的活动过程与相应的海底滑坡,大量的背景资料表明,天然气水合物崩解常常有助于触发海底沉积物块体的运动。

    Although gas hydrate active processes within the sediments and associated seafloor slides are impossible to directly observe , a number of evidences suggests that gas hydrate breakdown often helps to trigger sediment mass movement on the seafloor .

  14. 由于河口物源断绝和受到冬季北风或偏北风作用,海底滑坡、冲蚀构造等大型地质灾害现象在老河口废弃三角洲叶瓣北侧大量发育;

    There are a lot of seabed landslides and erosion structures in the north of the abandoned delta lobe , because sediment input of the estuary is in discontinuity and due to the influence of north wind in winter .

  15. 弄清楚天然气水合物的动态演化过程对于我们未来对这种潜在能源的开发利用,并分析其在全球变化、碳循环以及海底滑坡中所起的作用有着相当重要的意义。

    To make clear the dynamic evolution of gas hydrate will shed light on the exploration and use of this potential energy in the future and analyses of its influence on global climate change , carbon cycle and submarine slides .

  16. 海平面升降、底层水温变化、沉积速率的改变等自然环境的变化及海底滑坡、地震和火山爆发等地质灾害的发生都会引起天然气水合物的突发性分解释放。

    Not only the variations of sea level , deposition rate and the sea water temperature at the bottom , but also sundry geological hazards , such as underwater landslides and earthquake can lead to the decomposition and release of gas hydrates .

  17. 本文旨在波浪诱发黄河口海底滑坡的研究,满足滑坡预报预警服务的需要,期望减小滑坡对工程设施造成的危害,加深了解河口沉积物的运移过程和方式。

    This dissertation studies the mechanism of wave-induced submarine landslide at the Yellow River estuary , to satisfy the need of landslide forecast , to reduce the harm to submarine engineering facilities caused by landslide and better understanding the transport process of sediment .