
hǎi yánɡ zhēn jūn
  • Marine fungi;eumycete
  1. 海洋真菌Aspergillusversicolor发酵液中化学成分研究

    Study on the chemical constituents of the fermentation liquid from marine fungus Aspergillus versicolor

  2. 一株南海海洋真菌Sporothrixsp.4335的甾体类代谢产物研究

    Analysis of steroidal metabolites of Sporothrix sp. # 4335 from south China

  3. 海洋真菌多糖YCP对荷瘤小鼠肿瘤生长及免疫功能的影响

    Effect of marine fungous polysaccharide YCP on tumor growth and immune function of tumor-bearing mice

  4. 海洋真菌KLEB-07培养条件的研究

    Optimal cultivation conditions of marine fungi KLEB-07

  5. 研究海洋真菌多糖YCP对小鼠移植瘤的抑瘤作用和对小鼠免疫功能的影响。

    In this article , the effect of YCP ( a marine fugal polysaccharide ) on the tumor inhibition and immunological function was studied .

  6. 海洋真菌及其活性物质的研究概况

    Progress of studies on marine filamentous fungi and their bioactive substances

  7. 超滤法在海洋真菌多糖分离纯化工艺中的应用

    Application of ultrafiltration technique to the separation and purification of polysaccharides

  8. 一株渤海丝状海洋真菌的分子生物学复核鉴定

    Morphological and molecular identification of a marine filamentous fungus from Bohai-Sea

  9. 混合发酵诱导两株海洋真菌产生不同的代谢产物研究

    Mixed-fermentation Induce two Marine Fungal Strains to Produce Different Metabolites

  10. 4株海洋真菌发酵液对植物病原真菌的作用

    Inhibition of extracts from four isolates of marine-derived fungi on plant pathogens

  11. 海洋真菌药用活性物质研究进展

    Advance in Study of Pharmaceutical Active Substances From Marine Fungus

  12. 从深海沉积物中筛选具有抗菌、抗肿瘤活性的海洋真菌

    Antimicrobial and Antitumor Activities of Marine Fungi Isolated from Sediment in Deep Sea

  13. 南海海洋真菌2526中蒽醌类代谢产物的研究

    Anthraquinone Derivatives Isolated from Marine Fungus # 2526 from the South China Sea

  14. 海洋真菌及其活性代谢产物研究进展

    Study Progress on Marine Fungi and Their Active Metabolites

  15. 海洋真菌与细菌发酵物中的环二肽

    Cyclic dipeptides from marine fungi and bacteria cultures

  16. 南海海洋真菌2492号中的甾体成分

    Studies on the steroid components isolated from marine fungus No.2492 from the South China Sea

  17. 海洋真菌液体发酵产淀粉酶的研究

    Submerged Fermentation of Amylase by Marine Fungus

  18. 海洋真菌及其抗真菌生物活性物质

    Marine Fungi and Their Antifungal Bioactive Metabolites

  19. 海洋真菌的研究概况

    A review of research on Marine Fungi

  20. 海洋真菌的分离、抗肿瘤活性筛选与发酵条件研究

    Study on the isolation of marine fungi , screening of their antitumor activity and fermentation conditions

  21. 南海海洋真菌4454号次级代谢产物的研究

    Studies on the secondary metabolites of a marine fungus isolate 4454 in the South China Sea

  22. 海洋真菌的分离研究

    The isolation of marine fungi

  23. 海洋真菌的化学研究

    Chemical Study on Marine Fungi

  24. 南中国海红树林海洋真菌2492号次级代谢产物研究

    The Secondary Metabolites of the Marine Fungus No.2492 from the Mangrove Phragmites Australi of the South China Sea

  25. 来源于海洋真菌的农用抗生素的研究进展抗植物病原真菌海洋细菌的抗菌作用研究

    The Research Process in Farm Antibiotics from Marine Fungus Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Marine Bacteria against Plant Pathogenic Fungi

  26. 三类南海海洋真菌次级代谢产物的合成研究进展

    Recent Progress in Synthesis of Three Classes of Secondary Metabolites Obtained from Marine Fungi from the South China Sea Coast

  27. 特别是红树林来源的海洋真菌,已显示出能够产生多种多样的新颖的活性代谢产物的能力,因此,进行这方面的研究具有广阔的前景。

    Mangrove marine-derived fungus could produce numerous novel and bioactive compounds , so it has an expansive foreground to study .

  28. 结论稻瘟霉生物模型用于筛选海洋真菌活性代谢产物成本低、快速又方便。

    Conclusion The P.oryzae bioassay was a cheap , quick and convenient method for the screening of bioactive substances from marine fungi .

  29. 海洋真菌是海洋微生物的重要组成部分,目前已成为生物研究的热点之一。

    Marine fungi are important biodiversity components in marine microorganisms . Today marine fungi have become one of the focuses about biological researches .

  30. 上述研究结果为寻找药物的先导化合物提供了新的化学结构类型,并为海洋真菌药用资源的研究提供了重要的基础。

    Studies mentioned above provided novel structures for searching leading compounds and strain resources of great value for further study and development of marine fungus .