
  • Malus spectabilis;crab-apple;begonia
  1. 然而海棠花没有倒下去,它又从我的视线中站起来。

    Begonia flower did not fall , however , and it is in line of sight from my feet .

  2. 春天,娇嫩的碧叶中,一簇簇洁白如玉,薄如轻纱的海棠花盛开了。

    Spring , the delicate leaves of Bristol , a white as jade , thin as the flowers of Begonia .

  3. 你知道吗?海棠花也叫相思草。

    Do you know the Chinese flowering crabapple is also called miss-grass .

  4. 中国海棠花文化初探

    An Exploration of Chinese Crabapple Culture

  5. 第三章对《红楼梦》中两大海棠花品进行文化翻译研究。

    Chapter Three takes cultural translation research on two main varieties of crab-apple in Hong Lou Meng .

  6. 悄立其后的是海棠花,红肥绿瘦,雨后清丽。

    Crab apple flowers stand besides Yulan flowers shyly , red plumb and green thin , cute after rain .

  7. 孩子时候,有一回上树掐海棠花,不想叫蜜蜂螫了一下,痛得我差点儿跌下来。

    One day when I was a child , I climbed a cherry-tree to pick some blossom and got stung by a bee - the pain nearly made me fall off .

  8. 春景还体现了她爱情上的心路历程,且梨花与海棠花以春日将尽、年华易逝的象征意频频出现在她的涉春的诗词中,予人以更深的审美情趣。

    Meanwhile the spring scenery also expressed her love experience and pear flower and Chinese crabapple flower appeared in her poesies to indicate that the spring are going and the good days are transient which arose aesthetic temperament and interest of people .

  9. 本文研究了我国海棠与名人的故事、与海棠有关的文化艺术活动及海棠的广泛用途,初步探讨了海棠的花文化内涵。

    This paper explores Chinese celebrities and art activities concerned with Chinese crabapple . Its wide uses and cultural connotations are discussed .