
hǎi yùn dān
  • sea waybill
  1. 不可转让海运单可以注明货物将要或可能被转运,只要全程运输由同一海运单涵盖。

    C.i.A non-negotiable sea waybill may indicate that the goods will or may be transhipped provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same non-negotiable sea waybill .

  2. 该权利的规定不但适用于签发传统提单的运输,而且适用于签发电子提单和海运单的情况。

    The provision of that rights is not only applicable to the contract of carriage which is proofed by traditional bill of lading , but also be applicable to the contract of carriage which is proofed by electronic bill of lading and sea waybill .

  3. 使用海运单条件下的跟单信用证支付方式研究

    A Study on the Payment Style of Documentary Credit under the Condition of Sea Waybill

  4. 其次,记名提单与海运单的关系扑朔迷离。

    Secondly , the relationship between a straight bill of lading and a seaway bill is complicated .

  5. 不可转让的海运单中声明承运人保留转运权利条款将被不予理会。

    D.Clauses in a non-negotiable sea waybill stating that the carrier reserves the right to tranship will be disregarded .

  6. 在签发情况下海运单的情况下,为第三人利益说能更好的解释收货人的权利,收货人的义务仍然源于法律规定。

    As far as Sea waybills are issued , the theory of " for the benefits of a third party " is more reasonable , while the responsibilities of consignee also stem from the stipulations of law .

  7. 如果非转让海运单包含“预期船”字样或类似有关限定船只的词语时,装上具名船只必须由注明装运日期以及实际装运船只名称的装船批注来证实。

    If the non-negotiable sea waybill contains the indication " intended vessel " or similar qualification in relation to the name of the vessel , an on board notation indicating the date of shipment and the name of the actual vessel is required .

  8. 然而,随着经济一体化和科学技术的迅猛发展,海运单、电子提单的相继出现,传统的海上货物运输提单面临着严重的挑战,改变了海上货物运输的运转模式。

    With the integration of economy and rapid development of science and technology , the traditional ocean bills of lading are facing severe challenges . The new forms of transport documents including seaway bill and electronic bill of lading have changed the operating modes of transportation at sea .

  9. 海运保险单上还有其他条款吗?

    Be there any other clause In marine Insurance policy ?

  10. 请看附件中的海运提货单副本。

    Please see attached a copy of the Ocean bl for you .

  11. 卖方应自费购买可转让的海运保险单。

    The seller shall procure , at his own cost and in a transferable form , a policy of marine insurance .

  12. 汇票必需附有结果套版印刷有“货物收清”字样的正本海运提货单,凭指示、空缺违书,并写明“运脚已经付”。

    Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading made out to order , endorsed in blank , marked freight prepaid .

  13. 请按下列要求签发一份海运保险单和三份保单副本。品质证明书一式二份,装箱单一式二份,保险凭证一式二份

    Please Issue a marine Insurance policy and three copy as follow . Certificate of Quality in duplicate , packing List in duplicate , insurance Certificate in duplicate

  14. 大西洋海湾及西印度海运保险海运保险单上还有其他条款吗?

    Atlantic Gulf West Indies Warranty Be there any other clause In marine Insurance policy ?