
  1. 第三部分从主客观的角度指出影响当代城市青年消费变革的因素。

    The third part points out the reason of the contemporary urban youth consumption revolution by subjective and objective views .

  2. Linux加入消费电子变革

    Linux joins the consumer-electronics revolution

  3. 推动能源生产和消费方式变革。

    We will change the way energy is produced and consumed .

  4. 生态文明视域下消费模式变革的必要性

    On Necessity of Reformation of Consuming Patterns by View of Ecological Civilization

  5. 消费观变革与可持续发展

    Reformation of consumptive idea and sustainable development

  6. 建设节约型社会中消费理念的变革及其作用

    On the Consumptive Ideal Change and Functions in the Economical Society

  7. 其三,要实现消费文化的变革:从消费主义文化到绿色消费文化。

    Thirdly , we must realize the transformation form consumerism-culture to green-culture .

  8. 我个人经历了美国人从节省到消费的文化变革,作为一名营销人员也为这个进程作出了贡献。

    I personally lived through the U.S.cultural change from saving to spending , and as a marketer contributed to it .

  9. 摘要中国太阳能第一楼试运行的成功是我国对传统能源消费结构开始变革的标志:用清洁能源替代传统能源推动经济的可持续发展。

    Successful operation of the first solar-energy building is the landmark for reforming Chinese traditional energy consumption construction : the replacement of traditional energy by clear energy proves sustainable economic development .

  10. 如何使鄂尔多斯品牌专卖店设计跟得上消费方式的变革,使之更具有国际化特点,同时又保持地域特色,是我们研究的课题。

    How to make the design of ERDOS brand monopoly stores keep up with the change of consumption patterns , and how to make the design , have both international and local characteristics are my main research subjects .

  11. 循环经济的发展离不开消费模式的变革,文章还从可持续消费模式的角度出发,在分析了湖南省的消费的大致情况的基础上,为实现长株潭城市群可持续消费提出了对策建议。

    From the perspective of sustainable consumption patterns , the paper also analysis the consumption in Hunan Province , and put forward the countermeasure in order to achieve sustainable consumption , for developing cycling economy is inseparable from changes in consumption patterns .

  12. 卡贴(个人化标语)生产与消费的原因是变革时期青年人自我标榜的显性与隐性表征。

    The reasons why people have produced ( designed ) and consumed card stickers reflect on the culture trait of youth self-proclaimed dominantly and recessively .

  13. 21世纪,网络技术发展和应用的日益广泛,必将促进人们传统消费文化的急骤变革,形成一种网络时代的新型消费文化。

    Th century , with the development and wide application of the internet technology , the traditional consumption culture will rapidly change and will form a new one in the internet era .

  14. 大众文化、文化工业、消费文化等文化变革都可以说是艺术现代转向的另一种表述。

    The traditional liberal art gives up its position to the art of amusement . Culture reform , such as mass culture , culture industry and consumer culture are expression of modern shift of art .

  15. 随着改革的进一步深化,经济的持续增长,商品的日益丰富,新科技的广泛应用,必将带动人们消费方式的深刻变革。

    With the deepening of reform , the sustained growth of economy , the increasing wealth of goods , the extensive application of new science and technology , it must change our ways of consumption .

  16. 新科技革命使得资源的生产、配置、占有、消费方式发生根本变革,形成知识经济,并引起全球经济、政治、文化的深刻变革。

    New science and technology revolution , which has completed the transform of production , allocation , possession and consumption of all the resources , has formed the knowledge economy and caused great changes in global economy , politics and cultur .

  17. 中国向市场经济的转型带动了人们消费偏好和消费需求的变革。

    China 's transition into a market economy is driving changes in consumer preferences and demand for foods .

  18. 从布尔迪厄生存心态理论探讨大学生纸质报刊消费模式我国应顺应消费模式变革的迫切需要,建立起适合我国国情的生态消费法律保障体系。

    An Analyse of the College Student s Consumption Mode of Paper-made Media Using the Habitus Theory of Bourdieu ; The perfect ecotype consumption legal system should be build up in China .

  19. 从抑制消费到刺激消费是中国消费制度的重大变革。

    It 's a momentous historical change of consumption institutions from controlling consumption to stimulating consumption in China .

  20. 可持续消费观的确立不仅仅是一场消费方式的变革,在更深层次上是人类思维方式、价值观念和发展观念的根本革命。

    Sustainable consumption view is not only a change of consumption pattern , but a fundamental revolution on mode of human thinking , values and developmental view further .

  21. 生态消费是可持续发展思想在消费领域的具体体现,是人类消费模式的根本变革。

    It 's a concrete reflection of sustainable development thought in consumption area and a fundamental change of man 's consumption mode .

  22. 大众消费阶段的到来,不仅标志着中国实现了由传统节俭型消费向现代享受型消费的转变,而且迅速发展的消费变革,预示着再一次消费革命的发生,即实现向发展型消费的转变。

    Similarly , the change of consumption model from traditional frugality to modern enjoyment symbolizes the arrival of the phase of the masses consumption in China . Another consumption revolution to development consumption will be brought by rapid changes of consumption .

  23. 第二部分指出在当今中国,城市青年成为消费的生力军,从消费观念、消费心理、消费结构、消费方式以及消费场所这五个维度比较分析当代城市青年消费变革的具体表现。

    The second part points out that the urban youth become a new force of consumption , and comparative analyzes the consumption revolution of contemporary urban youth consumers including consumption attitude , consumption psychology , consumption structure , consumption patterns and consumption sites .