
  • 网络consumer expectations
  1. 带交易费及工资的终端资产和消费期望效用最优化

    Optimization of Expected Utility from Terminal Wealth and Consumption with Transaction Costs and Wages

  2. 顾客满意是企业最重要的成功因素之一,但一直以来满意度的衡量来自于产品绩效与消费期望的比较。

    Customer satisfaction is the most essential factor to success , but at all times the scale of satisfaction has been out of the comparison between product performance and consumption expectation .

  3. 同时作为供应链最末端的消费群却期望能获得可视化的、无缝隙的产品服务。

    Consumers , as the end of the supply chain , in the contrary , are expecting transparent , seamless services .

  4. 如果女性打算消费,那么她们期望知道商品能否穿越众多季节并在不同的功能层面得以延续。

    If women are prepared to spend money , then they want to know their purchase will last through many seasons , and function on different levels .