
xiāo fánɡ shuān
  • fire hydrant;chuck hydrant
  1. 他们把水管的一端接到消防栓上

    They stick one end of the hose on the hydrant .

  2. 那个司机因把车停在消防栓前而接到交通违规罚单。

    The driver is ticket for parking in front of a fire hydrant .

  3. 临时围栏不得妨碍B座附近的消防栓。

    The existing fire hydrant near Block B should not be obstructed by the hoarding .

  4. 那个不是艺术品。是一个消防栓。

    That 's not art . it 's a fire eztinguisher .

  5. 从损坏的消防栓里喷出水来。

    A fountain of water gush from the break fire hydrant .

  6. 决不要将车停放在消防栓旁。

    At no time is there parking next to a fire hydrant .

  7. 拿个消防栓过来把火扑灭上帝

    Get an extinguisher , and get that fire out . Jesus .

  8. 在消防栓前泊车是不合法的。

    It 's not lawful to park in front of a hydrant .

  9. 四岁的杰西卡希望长大后能成为一个消防栓。

    Four-year-old Jessica hoped to become a fire hydrant when she grew up

  10. 你不能把车停在消防栓前。

    NO05 , You can 't park in front of a fire hydrant .

  11. 我记得你看起来像个消防栓。

    I remember you kinda looked like fire hydrants .

  12. 基于快速原型技术的消防栓盖铸造模型制作的工艺研究

    Research on Manufacturing Process of the Fire Control Bolt Covering Based on Rapid Prototyping

  13. 适用于用在临时性水应用的消防栓上的防回流阀的更新改造。

    Designed to retrofit backflow protection onto fire hydrants used for temporary water service .

  14. 通常,在机场和偏远地区没有现成的消防栓。

    Normally there are no fire hydrants available on an airport or a remote location .

  15. 她抓紧,拒绝离开,最终警察从消防栓集合除去她。

    She pressed on , refused to leave and eventually police removed her from the firehouse rally .

  16. 黄先生利用从消防栓外漏的水清洗他的摩托车。

    Mr. Huang used water that had leaked out of a fire hydrant to wash his motor scooter .

  17. 在交通高峰时,他看到一辆车在马路上转弯,撞到消防栓。

    During rush hour , he saw a car veer off the road and slam into a fire hydrant .

  18. 至于消防栓漏水,赵队长表示会联系自来水公司进行检修。

    As for the fire hydrant leaking , Zhao said the captain will contact the water company for repairs .

  19. 我马上下来,消防栓。告诉妈妈,我马上就写完这一段。

    I 'll be right down , fire hydrant . Tell mom , I 'm just gonna finish this paragraph .

  20. 如果需要进行维护,则很容易在消防栓或任何其他方便的位置进行。

    When maintenance is required , it can be performed easily at the hydrant or at any other convenient location .

  21. 只要按下一个按钮,他们就可以定位地铁站,甚至找出每一部电梯、紧急出口和消防栓。

    At a keystroke , they can punch up a station and pinpoint every elevator , emergency exit and fire hydrant .

  22. 东京一处主要街道因车祸封锁,一辆小型汽车撞上了街边的消防栓。

    And miles of the road blanketed this major street in Tokyo after a small truck grind into a fire street pipe .

  23. 分析人士表示,关闭目前向抗议者供应大部分水的消防栓,可能导致严重后果。

    Analysts say turning off the fire hydrants that supply most of the water to the protesters could have a devastating effect .

  24. 玩家要收集尽可能多的高尔夫球杆袋和奖杯,以获得分数,同时避免撞上石头和消防栓。

    The objective is to score points by collecting golf club bags and trophies , and avoid crashing into rocks and fire hydrants .

  25. 这里你做得好像你在踢一个消防栓,然后你查看是否有人注意到你在生气。

    Where you act like you 're kicking a fire hydrant and then you check to see if anyone notices that you 're mad .

  26. 我是说在我们刚刚搬进去的时候那感觉就像对着消防栓牛饮

    Absolutely do . I mean , when we first moved in , It was like drinking from a fire hydrant , you know ?

  27. 建议的安装位置(如图所示)是将水调节阀连接到消防栓上,然后再通过软管连接到拖车上。

    The recommended location ( as shown ) is to connect the water regulator to the hydrant , and then run the hose to the trailer rig .

  28. 图示的可调节支撑架并不是相对于消防栓的实际位置。然而有关水分运输调节气孔运动的研究相对较少。

    Adjustable support leg not shown in actual position relative to hydrant . However , there are few studies on the regulation of water transport in stomatal movement .

  29. 谢谢,我听到了,消防栓,你叫你妹妹淘气包,这并不好笑,也不适当。

    Thank you . I heard , and frankly fire hydrant , I don 't think it 's funny or appropriate for you to call your sister fido .

  30. 设计了一种新型室外消防栓,在消防栓中采用了复式螺纹机构,对传统的消防栓的结构进行了改造。

    Design a new outdoor fire hydrant , fire hydrants in the compound have been adopted in the multi-screw mechanism , the traditional fire hydrant to the transformation of the structure .