
  • 网络consumption rate;consumption ratio;SFOC
  1. 研究试验结果表明,分层扫气可减少换气过程的燃料损失,使燃油消耗率大幅度下降;使混合气空燃比的范围加大。

    The result shows that stratified scavenging reduces fuel loss during air exchange greatly lowing the fuel consumption rate and enlarging the air-fuel ratio range .

  2. 给出了柴油机排放物(CO,HC,NOx,PM)及燃油消耗率的测试结果。

    The results of the exhaust emission and the fuel consumption rate was given .

  3. 降低电控喷射汽油机燃油消耗率及NOx排放的研究

    Study on Improving Fuel Economy and Lowering Emissions of Stoichiometric Gasoline Engine

  4. 提出了基于mesh结构的低功率消耗率组播路由(LPDMR)协议算法。

    A mesh-based Low-Power Drain Multicast Routing algorithm in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks is presented .

  5. 一种考虑节点剩余能量及其消耗率的adhoc组播路由算法

    A Multicast Routing Algorithm for Ad Hoc Networks Based on Residual Energy and Drain Ratio of the Nodes

  6. adhoc网络中,节点能量及其消耗率影响网络的稳定性和整个网络的生命周期。

    In Ad hoc networks , the energy and drain rate of mobile node can influence the networks lifetime and stability .

  7. 通过合理的设计,有效地利用了气体动力效应,提高了柴油机的充气效率,改善了燃烧过程,降低了燃油消耗率和排气中HC和CO浓度。

    The volumetric efficiency of the engine was increased . Mean-while the fuel consumption and HC and CO emissions were lowered .

  8. 随着BED多组份燃料含氧量的增加,动力性和有效燃油消耗率降低,有效热效率提高。

    When the BED multi-component fuel were used , the engine power and brake specific fuel consumption reduced with the increase of fuel oxygen content , and the effective thermal efficiency was improved .

  9. 具有非常数消耗率的Chemostat系统解的稳定性

    Stability of Solution to the Chemostat System with Non-constant Consuming Rate

  10. 畜禽场柴油发电机沼气-柴油双燃料转换技术的优化降低CO2排放和降低燃油消耗率的根本途径在于提高内燃机的燃料转换效率。

    Optimization for transformation technology from diesel engine to biogas-diesel double fuel engine in hoggery Thus , cutting CO2 emission has become one of the central schemes in IC engine research field .

  11. 具有时滞和可变营养消耗率的比率型Chemostat模型稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of a ratio-dependent chemostat model with variable yield and time delay

  12. 试验结果证明,新型柴油机的燃油消耗率比常规的同类型机器低15g/(kW·h)左右。

    Dynamometer tests verified the envisagement , showing bsfc of new type engine was lowered by 15 g / ( kW · h ) than that of equivalent conventional engine .

  13. 第一节研究具有变消耗率的比率确定型Chemostat模型的渐近行为。

    Asymptotic behavior in the ratio-dependent chemostat model with variable yield is studied in Section 2.1 .

  14. 二甲醚掺混比例从30%到100%时,燃油消耗率、NOx排放和碳烟排放下降,HC排放和CO排放先降低,之后变化平缓。

    By increasing DME proportion from 30 % to 100 % , BSFC , NOx emissions and smoke emissions decrease , while HC emissions and CO emissions decrease firstly and then change little .

  15. 用装有非散射红外分析仪(NDIR)的S&示踪系统测量柴油机的机油消耗率

    Adaptation of S-trace System with NDIR Analyzer to Measure the Diesel Engine Oil Consumption Rate

  16. 试验结果表明,在进气道内喷射H2O2可显著改善发动机的燃烧,可以同时降低NOx排放和燃油消耗率,且烟度变化不大。

    The experimental results on the DI diesel engine bench show that H_2O_2 additive is effective to improve diesel combustion , and the specific fuel consumption and NO_x are decreased obviously .

  17. 试验结果表明:柴油机在各种工况EGR不为零的情况下,都能降低NOx排放,但是发动机的燃油消耗率、功率和烟度会受到不同程度的影响。

    The results showed that EGR can reduce NOx emission under various operation conditions , but the effective gasoline consume rate , the effective power and the smoke will be affected .

  18. 随着EGR比率的增加,NOX排放大幅度降低,下降幅度达90%以上,而HC排放和燃油消耗率都随着上升,但排气再循环对CO排放的影响不是很大。

    With the increasing of EGR ratio , NOX emission decreased more than 90 % , at the same time , HC emission and fuel consumption increased , but EGR has little impact on CO emission .

  19. CNET公司产品的能源消耗率和绿色和平组织现在利率个人消费电子产品制造商的事情,从有毒物质的温室气体报告。

    CNET rates products on energy consumption now and Greenpeace rates individual consumer electronics manufacturers on everything from toxic material to greenhouse gas reporting .

  20. 该模型的消耗率参数中含有一个关于营养基的二次函数,功能反应函数则为具有内代谢的Monod类型,以更好地模拟实际问题。

    The model contains a quadratic function of the underlying substrate in the parameter of consumption rate incorporating Monod kinetics with internal metabolism .

  21. 本文报道用18O和2H双标记水测定人自由活动时能量消耗率的示踪方法及正常成人的初步测定结果。

    The method of measuring energy expenditure of freely-living adults with 18O and 2H doubly labelled water and its preliminary application are presented in this paper . GISH analysis demonstrated that two E.

  22. 内燃式水动力系统各油门开度下最低燃油消耗率在291~422g/(kW·h)之间,对应系统转速约为1400r/min。

    The lowest fuel consumption in different throttles of internal combustion water power system is between 291 g / ( kW · h ) and 422 g / ( kW · h ) . Corresponding rotational velocity is about 1 400 r / min.

  23. 本算法同时还考虑了接收信号强度RSS、节点的速度和方向、目标网络的费率以及电量消耗率等诸多因素,各个因素的权重是根据用户喜好的不同、利用AHP算法来确定的。

    The proposed algorithm also considered the RSS , node speed and direction , charge rate of target network , and electricity consumption rate , etc. The weight of each factor was determined by the AHP algorithm based on different user preferences .

  24. 结果表明,新算法能够有效加快故障恢复,减小备份带宽资源消耗率,减少分组丢失数量。(3)对比MPLS快速重路由技术和气象宽带网络中常用的故障恢复技术。

    The result shows the new algorithm can speed fault recovery up , reduce backup bandwidth consumption rate and reduce packet loss . ( 3 ) This paper compares MPLS fast reroute technology with the fault recovery technology applied in meteorological broadband network .

  25. 内燃机油的燃油消耗率与规定的20W/30基准参比油(HR油)的燃油消耗率直接进行比较,试验结果用相对于基准参比油的燃油比油耗(BSFC)的变化百分率表示。

    Test results are expressed as a percent change in Brake Specific Fuel Consumption ( BSFC ), which is acquired by comparing the fuel consumption rate of the candidate oil with that of the reference oil .

  26. 文中利用实测到的装甲车发动机试验数据作为学习样本,采用径向基函数(RBF)神经网络建立了发动机的辨识模型,根据该模型可以得到发动机的最佳燃油消耗率曲线。

    The identification model of engine of the armored car based on the Radial Basis Function network is set up by using the test data of the engine as learning stylebook . The optimal fuel consumption curves of the engine can be got based on the model .

  27. 消耗率系数为常数的Lanchester型战争方程的终止问题在[1]、[2]中得到解决,本文利用正定函数可得到变系数Lanchester型现代战争方程的转折点或终止问题。

    Termination problem about Lanchester equation which consumption coefficients are constant has been solved . Appling positive definite function , this paper obtained the turning point and termination problem about Lanchester equation with variable coefficients .

  28. 机电联合控制方案1的试验研究表明:掺烧LPG后,可以显著地降低柴油机的碳烟排放;但在小负荷范围内,燃料消耗率略有增加,HC、CO排放增加较多。

    The experimental results of the machinery electron control Scheme 1 show that , after co combustion of LPG , smoke is largely reduced , specific fuel consumption is reduced under high load but slightly increased under light load , and HC and CO are greatly increased under light load .

  29. 利用了广义的Liapunov函数和中心流型定理证明了当营养消耗率的倒数为一般多项式时生化反应器竞争系统的三维Hopf分支,并由此三维的Hopf分支导出了该系统极限环的存在性。

    By using a generalized Liapunov function and central manifold theorem , the three dimensional Hopf bifurcation for a bio-reactor competition system with polynomial yields is studied . The existence of the limit cycle in the three dimensional system is obtained by the bifurcation .

  30. 当过量的能耗不能增加效率,还会产生过热时,这会降低可靠性,Adams在他的网站上说。即使有充足的燃料,像目前这样增长的能量消耗率也是不能维持很长时间的。

    This is becoming increasingly important , as excess power consumption is inefficient and generates waste heat , which can in turn decrease reliability , said Adams on his Web site . Even given adequate fuel , the current rate of increase of energy consumption cannot continue for much longer .